HomeMy WebLinkAbout222025000001 ... BOAD HAVEN TRACTS (TlNRECORDED) Tr.l & T.L. BLK ~ DESCRIPTION: PLAT lOT # ACREAGE 12.1;:d~loL2r5fo"lolololol/ I 0 SE~~ TWP RGE .8tJAV 0150.) DISTRICTS J'N. AFFIDAVIT'll YEAR AUD, # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 67 #226732 Thomas J.F.anner et IX 3 ffO/:10 2 40 A 2 C L S31,500 / , /..I 3- (J?TO , ,ql I 1'iY I'l <5 .:2- c... 1-...-- - -~ - ---- " I ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 72 1 7lJ\1l 711';0:; H.C"" 74 , '~Z-- ------ .L-'ii"Q{) .L?"~.dll ~7'L3'~- ..,.., . I L;(/..O I P'75() 37J1:)/ Cl 1i ls2, ~SD 3t..38S' f?f.<93r 7q ~. V> Rd pf( ,"f I L 'v, ~t.39," t.. 7 9' 1i'~ e.--c... ' !}f () /(ir! / 5l:1J. (l )(' ~ 701 " it - / f?..J (.0 /7(50 ~ I;H/() ~?< '7A U'JO :y" <I/D I/o7tJ/O . - . ." .' --,~ -,~..~ --=-. _....__.cJ...,:........a;. ...~-. ._--- , d .-._...._,;.~ Tract 1 & T.L. A tract of land in Government Lot one, Section two, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M. (not included within the recorded plat of Boad-Haven Tracts on Hood Canal, Vol. 4 of Plats, P.28), particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the tract to be described which is South 61049'00" West 90.30 feet and North 89'37'35" West 321.40 feet from the Meander corner to fractional Sections 1 and 2, said Township and Range; run thence South 87035'28" West, along the wall, 74.20 feet to the South- west corner of the tract; run thence North 5037'35" West 254.20 feet; run thence North 84022'25" East 74.20 feet; run thence South 5037'35" East 261.20 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; also known and described as Tract 1 of the unrecorded plat of Boad Tracts on Hood Canal. ALSO, all tidelands of the second-class, situate in front of, adjacent to or abuttingupon the above described upland. 1 1;. _ .. .. DESCRIPTION: (UNRECORDED) ~' I WT Trs.2~3~4 & T/L PLAT BOAD HAVEN TRACTS # #'.5?3 ACREAGE ~:LI.III::D ex 2-A, - & ~8 SEC . TWP RGE .. . DISTRICTS ..;J' ." AFFIDAVIT'll, YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ v...? 2/.767'7 ~.Linco1nd <~ #2448 --1+ Keith Lamb et a1 2 40 A 3 2 C L ~1A (\/V) I,c-.~, /) I.' R/ Ie' 1 7/ U;/~q~ - .:l. Lf(J It-l 1,-"" .2- IIf .1..- /' frdV'"U) '-'-- . I I ---- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAl 72 1 14250 3705 17955 71./ , kM2 ~.;- fLL- ~6"()O t-ZjlLo 77 ~" ~, ~() IS?/" () .5~MJ 7 I <)~Z -. d ""'0 ,. , ,g~ ~ c. 347$7) , /11- \\ 17. /?--' ~ P.". ..::J~O()-(iJ ~ ,~r 7'1 t' 7r:71 /!~990 /6'1poo Xl- , .1-/..",,000 &,/,000 ,s)..- (-~ //'vr.,,~ /A :.i Ii. / - ,:J-. ' ... -, I/lx I .:L..'- 0' It'::/ , , "'- '~, ~/' , -r , , .,''-'" '. .......-"~.!Ic~ . ~- TRACTS 2. 3 & 4 & T.L. 's That portion of Govt. Lot I, Section 2, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point wh1ch 1S South 61049' West 90.3U feet and North ~~o 37' 35" West 321. 4u feet tran the meander corner cOlllllon to fractional Sec. I and 2 in said Township and Range; thence South 87035'28" West 74.20 feet to the true point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence North 5037'35" West 254.20 feet; thence North 84022'25" East 74.20 feet; thence North 5037'35" West 217.1 fee~. to the Southerly margin of Boad Haven, a recorded plat in Mason County, Washington; thence South 84022'25" West, along said Southerly margin, 199.2 feet; thence South 5037'35" East 467.1 feet, more or less, to a point which bears South 87035'28" West fran the true point of beginning; thence North 87035'28" East to the true point of beginning, together with tidelands fronting and abutting upon the above described tract, bounded by the East and West lines of said tract produced, and lying between the meander line and the Roy Mitchell oyster lands, situate in Mason County, Washington. ~ 1 Ji'V" 6() / T~.: ~? ~,' ~ '-. -, .. ;,.~~ ~ - .., ~.,-, .:ti-'. - 'M ........ ~