HomeMy WebLinkAbout220365000008 ... DESCRIPTION: PLAT BURGUNDY FRUIT TBAJ:1'S ~ LDT Tr. 4-B BLK # 7.:1 ;)"3F1 ACREAGE (CJ,.,'613IDab L; SEC TWP RGE - ......... . ~ '-, I,. . I I ~, t r;?m'J - DISTRICTS /J~ AFFIDAVIT 'I/- YEAR AUD, # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: :ffrn/) RD SC PT UD fD HD CD SALES $ 5/72 #26990l Reba M. Albrecht Roland M. Shew et ux 1 02 3 S' H L #31417 s< I I qOj. 3 ~ Ii L - _. , I I -- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 73 , 80 80 11/ .;1..3 . ..:2_ =? PiZ _L~() Lt.o I'1St , 'Y 3 ,.,. "J - - 3,:> 0 300 .f3 '7Rn ~..f'D - - ,_0..,.".--. "'<.,' . - - . " ~. -- i,' .I-.:3...."->. _ . ...JA ... - ... - .< Vol. 191 D. P-503 #177783 COllIIlencing at a point on the line of Govt Lot 1, 6 chains South of the NE corner of Lot l; run thn West 943.25' and establish the initial point of the Tract hereby conveyed; thence South 36'; thn West 200'; thn N 36 feet; thn East 200' to the initial point being a portion of Lot 4 Burgundy Fruit Tracts ------- ---- ~:,l -'- ,.-----"-:;.-- ,..~.,_. "'_......Iii.....::._.._... __'<C .'h-c.-