HomeMy WebLinkAbout220365000007 r DESCRIPTIDN: PLAT BURGUNDY FRUIT TRACTS #73/;' ;..; ACREAGE DfI ')11lI316[Si~t) P'lI!)l71 , )..', lOT Tr.4-7 & Q.L. BlK ~J( 9~: C .'\, .4-.8 & C SEe TWP RGE "l 53 #1:49003 R~"ert- T. T, l1t~ J;JI,;),C)=< /'J"'~ ---p_ , .J ,. . DISTRICTS /8:;' AFFIDAVIT 'It CONTRACT TD: c: i?r50 RD SC PT UD fD HD CD SALES $ I !if( , .- 1 02 3 L S~ , I q6~ ~ <' I! I- YEAR AUD, # TITLE HDlDER ----- I. /1'- . .10 ACREAGE YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING B OF E TOTAL /9, -17 ~_vo ,.<LbP.o '?'si!tJ /'33~o t~J'.5 757~c> ~io f?iJ7.r" . ) L.77.3,LC ....:::8- L/ "-_'''',;;': ~ ~ 11:.2.~35""' In.v J...J- . f, g.... I ~ h!'~D ('I 71. 99.~ 5Z~ .,." .1. f. /I!?" '-IS- //,f6tJ.s- f77{ 9<1--:- 99,;;- I"""" ,~.,I-- )/y;..,,,5'" 1)~h'fS- -r ~;? IS- ":(.:US- 7;;/i.,/. ,+ ~ ,;. 0...;/, .Q.J. 7 '7" 0 I/n..~kf dlS'L/~iJ .:t1s-4S'a -r :J.'33!:: .:<.335'" IL?, ~ .2/~'-It;u _ - ~/~~ .' j cu~'~':'~ """ . L?c -<I Or, r '-- I _OFE; . :::'~(;E C""RBNT USE _~."i, ; ;", 1'-''';; V,Jl. . o~~,;?',.,;.~ ~ ',. :.. ~ '- .~~-_:'~;' 71 4.54 ,..{' z:-.,- 15' :1'1., I~ 52- 17 ~. / ~ p 1'1 ) - / Q ('i n 11 7ft' ~li /'7.1"7 Iv-- I ~y , '''1'- I'}.o fj3 [3 %3 N J./,o3 ct3.o9 ~l /9./'fJr ~~ .3,05 /'7. 1"7 /'l. I 7 ~'" [..Jl hf- --'". '...-- , --~::" , '< "', '--.'.'. 3A .Q_'''W1'a~ er-of'-Gov Lot:-1-;thenee 5-, along-theE Hnenof-Gov 6.~ W Lof.beginni ra&t of land here~s&j-thenee-eent-imi!flg-W- ill' , So-to the-W l-i-ne-of-Govt--hotl; the=e-.N 7' ~5' W...-a19Ill1iT.DO IT;t ..of Gov Lot 1, 9.l'-T'- ~6.41', more Q1'-J.as~ t9 _ F8L_~ y'::jj of:-thepelnt-ofbeginni-ngi-thenee--S-9t -to--t e . bet,ltlfUng. , Tr4 Begn at a pt 6 coos S of the NE Cor of Lot 1, See 36-20-2; too S, 2 elms; thence W, 24.92 coos, to the MI.; too N 7 3/4' W, 2.02 coos; thn E, to the pt of begn, containing 5.01 acres and being also des as fi'. 4 of the Unrecorded Plat of Burgundy Fruit Trs. t::y:. W /25' Tr5 Begn at a pt 8 coos S of the NE Cor of Lot 1, See 36-20-2; too S 2 coos; thence W, 24.57 coos, more or less, to the MI.; too N 10' W, 2.03 coos; too E, to the pt of begn, containing 4.95 acres & being also des as Tr 5 of the Unrecorded Plat of Burgundy Fruit Trs. Tr6 Begn at a pt 10 coos S of the NE Cor of Lot 1, See 36-20-2; too S, 2 coos; . too W, 24.22'cOOs, more or less, to the MI.; too N 10' W, 2.03 coos; thn E, - to the pt of;begn, containing 4.88 acres, and being also \mown as Tr. 6 of, the Unrecord!l(i Plat of Burgundy Fruit Trs. App. 13062 Reversionary right to Oyster land tract lying in front of Tr 6 Tr 7 ---- Begn at pt 12 coos S of the NE Cor of Lot 1, See 36-20-2; too S, 2 coos; thn W, 23.87 coos, more or less, to the MI.; too N, 10' w, 2.03 coos; thn E, to the pt of begn, containing 4.81 acres and being also \mown as Tr. 7 of the Unrecorded Plat of Burgundy Fruit Trs. _.,~ , .~~~. ,1....< . ~-c' YEAR. ~_ TIDELA : B OF E ED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPRDVEO IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL , - ~L/ ' 11. I ? /'1./7 ~ cJ3(i.o ;<3(.0 -- ~ - ~ :J.J~tI-~{) .;( 15'15- gfj 19/1 19/1 ~ 'J.. , j.() ?--.3 ~ - I --r~ .--- I I ---r---- - CUBUN2' VSII .,":o:~~,,'"_ii:rlii;i" ~. --,:..~-.~,-...:_:" (~) """'" -~~~i-.-;~,-,-,--. '.. .-c' -...,'~'.. - "-);:~"'.........-~' "