HomeMy WebLinkAbout220325000023 ,.. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS LOT '1r A (, f Tr:s. BLK .2;< ... .;1.;3 #~ - -- . SEC TWP RGE ACREAGE ;. ".t ,.','/:' ' . . , I OISTRICTS I ~ AFFIDAVIT # YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLOER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HO CD SALES $ ~. ~",). It!47/i':J 60 4f182485 rred A. Clark .e.tu.v((,v h 3 O~ S 3 4 L S1500 'fu .;?qJIC/-J'7 7i /l p~fi I ^i ' "'~)71'?,;J... ..~ 2~ ^'^ 1Jr.J- doss-:n --1.. Oc . b a,;f~J n ~"'^-4\ 81 I PCfI S 3 L.j 1-1 Z. J .,\Gf:!- wa JJr~ ;~p O~..&<hcn eliK.C ~l~:,rl<:l) d': f~.r; W we 717 -~ ---- - I , - -- -~------ -- - - - - -~ u _____ - - - -- -- ---~ I-- I- - - - -~ ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED TOTAL TiDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED BUILOING TOTAL 70 -~-~-- --,- , 4450 4450 74 , , . /J '-'M6 I;LJ_$S _Z'-~fL L7JY~ ~-- - - --- 7[,., I ~fCJ()_ ~~() ;;J:Ji' H;)~ 5?Jl. - - - -- .- - - -- - --- /SfJoo .:l~ff5D I 3tn5'lJ - t/ ;:Jl) ) ,~ : ~ " ~3(~()O ~tf - :dT- ;}t1drr' 'Itl.ho ~3000 - --- v.- 1['& _ :;)9.3 /S.5bJ J ~fo() ~~ SOl) .~ -- ~---- ----- 1--- - - - -- -._--- -- -. ~ All that portion of'Tracts 22 & 23 described as follows: COllIIlencing at the NW corner of Tract 22; thence E along the N line of Tract 22, 390' more or less, to the top of the b<n1Jt; 'tht1ic~..S4r along saiit"p hf bank to the S line of Tract 23; thence W al~,$ ;J,t.n~iof Tract 23. 250' III&re or less. to the Ely ltne of existing access road; thence Nq along Ily line of existmg access read, 220''jl IaGre or less, to the I.P. ~ I. , , , r' , J.... . . 'f;(jf~~:k.:~-'~i~~n+ .. ~~ iii ~...:- i