HomeMy WebLinkAbout220295090010 DESCRIPTION: PLAT 4F F-I/ 'f 7. ACREAGE YEAR AUO. # 63 i266g76-/ - I /7'1lf?i4~~ If'! 3J'S-S'i<l #;;1- 'ft)iJg'l~ %>.2. /-lOG'/' 5<1 ARCADIA BEACH <1t:Jt:JIO 11~..1lbl~ 91~ ;101 lOT Tr. 10-11 ex BlK lO-A & ll-A SEC TWP RGE """"'l TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: DISTRICTS /5:5 RD SC PT UD FO HO CD AFFIDAVIT'i/' SALES $ ~>:7.,677 5000.00 , '''t,,,s// l~bo.7f -#- 7/'l/6.y r^'~ ~ Hazel V.Stensager 3 30 S 3 4 1C1,,,,.~.1,'Sh._M._. cl-'AAr ('ffIn,.;A .-" ~. If On'1-,A _"d~ 1..+00 8'/ J >0; 53 1'-1 H .z (J,~, tI - IY", .. ,1.J1.M ., :t"J~ . \ (j (/ ;do '7 '7 .s.,;J~= " I ~ . '.'0 ACREAGE VALUATION , B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 73 1350 , 5300 14260 20910 74 L, /> () ~.iJ-9 J?,. tf.. .? ;l ZtJ(7 / /)_{,_o" .:225,;lo 1.4'/.8;Z t) 7t - / 1<'/90 .3~ I,/p/,) S/9?/l g, 977 tis- ?c. 700 I f YJ.IIN~- Y'Y -",.1.1' c" ,?'Y:7r,-n %/-'700 VR<;tSlV<.... '{y I.... " /, <10 ;,; '/ q -r 700 <';~7~A f?L 7/lfl l'Itb ;!:)d li3 A1 3i99.5' 5' R7S6 ,fin 7/l C; /t~t./(jS" '13 ~,,--,--, ... r 735 .t:;f?7.rO ,f1..71lrJ 11,/6.1,R~ 9.<1 t11 _---3..%....9qr' 5'f' V" J~ 7M I g '/'/ '/5' ~if 7,,, 0 /,1,/<-;; 1.<;9 -r 1<10 '" Y ]'-6 ,flc 7/)6 /'I/A/9/J "5 M 3/'9'7 ~ 5'1'750 9'-7116 /i'''~fJ~ 'tJ 7/'J d /7"9 ? ~'7 r 730 .5%7,:-)0 ?~ 7tJO /~,/~o 75' M ::s P9tJs- ~R750 ,f1.-.7tJ/7 I i'l SlvS' ~5" -t (,,0 rJ ,S,? 7.sv ,?{, 7,,0 /7'~o50 f1JwB'',f...L<.., ~.:uSH\Efi' li.:.f.. " . _ OPEI1 SPACE ..~GRICULTU"f:.:l ',. ' . . '.. FOREST ' --- '-" .-. "".;' -" T::-::; ;~~ii~;~~rmerlY) /)tw ,;:;,H c':'/~ ...5'7': ,.,. /::;97 The North 200 ft of the South 400 ft of tqat;portion of the Govt Lot 2 and of the SWSE, lying E of the County Road, all i'n Seci2~':2Q~2 -and--ai:su--krrowrras;>i;ut..,-i.iT, ll.~-l.2--<>i--th-e--urn:-eo<H:-ded-i>-l-at:--<>i-M-cadi....-Baach-. which lies E of the Ely line of Lynch Co Rd, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TR OF LAND: That ptn of the N 200' of the S 400' of Govt Lt 2, sd Section Twnshp & Rge daf: Beginning at the SW corner of sd Section 29; th N 0033'33"E 400,02' tap on the N Jine of the S 400'SW SE; th S 89012'28"E parallel to the S line of sd SW SE, sd S line being the meridian of reference for this description, 1678.68' to TPOB; th N 89012'28"W 449.80'; th S 8"47' 32"W 73.42'; th S 63050'23"E 112.94'; th S 80057'10"E 201.44'; th S 89012'28"E to Govt lot line; th NEly alg the Govt lot line 218.3' + - tap which bears S 89012' 28"E from TPOB; th N 89012'28"W to TPOB. ----"'-""'.....~..~.... '.b ._-~~-.~..l--,c.-. ._ .. ,..-":".1.>_.-.,'_ _ ~ -4<... .....,.. ..o.i02",":", "-'.4." -.-."11""'..... ~-6;"':-"i...,."-~, "<,;<-'",;.,.. ""-~,' - - ACREAGE ','ALUATION -- , ----.-- BTOOiALE YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING $6 I ~,ItL- 8,5/ 7.00 IJKr ;?~.., A :::8495 - %2._ --.- .-. , T /;'00 1.0"" - __-L___ '_ f---- , I I , , , , , I , .-- L,.' 1 , ,