HomeMy WebLinkAbout123294300171 y.:r-~-l.__m_.'___-NAME of OWNER 52 14_5567 f- Mae l/7'L+&364Lf-' .81.8.0 .3.8.Q45L_U-A_,_ Hausen ,33b0 DISTRICTS 27/ 'Rd':'"-fSch. p.,rt-plio l-fPD : HD --I 2 03 A 3 ":_L_"'-,~.JiJ , I . Allan N. FleurlJ e u (~_I\.,p i i #63816 ___.RJchqrd HiLL.elt- u (11"1' n) 1___1 II! ~~6666 ,3, e6 fff / lun;! Ll 3 l.,;Z_I_L_~ '____ ~J 1- I J CONTRACT TO SA.LE PIUCF _ --- -------- --f-----, '__On' 1-' ----'1--, - =t , , --L- . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . ,,<,j.J .31i~ Yur I Oyst.r limb.,. I Unlmprov.d Improv.d TOTAL Oyst.,. Timb.r Unimproved ImprQ....d Impro....m.nts I I. of E. - (BllildinQS) VALUE & -, ZS'o,'-' 2 :>00 ',., , )~:'.:' /~AI ~:2,2 711 (" - - t --- I 1--,- - - ---- --- - C, 1,_- -- '---- --~.~.---- --- -.---- _n -- -~._. --- --- ~~==:l - ,-- ---- ----- --- ---- f---- I I ~- u_ ---- I .--- , ! : i , ; LOT SEC. ILK. TWN, RSE. j\/i)l;!;:U/3i D~ j , l'E . Traci a .1:. 1/2 Int. _t.___ .._~_ --.l _ I.. ~::z.47; I , 29 23 y .' 1~- _. ,-.:..,.~ ,- .'" '~"'~- .......'""-""'" _"!"'~" k.'C..!""~ An undivided 1/2 jnT in: All that certain tr lying E of State Highway 14 in the SE SW SE 29-23-IW,W.M.; EXCEPTING therefrom all that ptn of the SE SW SE lying E of PSH#14 (Navy Yard Highway) as located on June 29, 1935 daf: Beginning at a point which is 117' E from the NW corner of the S 1/2 (lying east of SH #14) of SW SE 29-23-IW.W.M., th S 249'; th E 175'; th N 249'; th W 175' to POB; i TGW a r/w from the SW corner of the above described tr, 12' wide, extending westward to State Highway; ALSO excepting therefrom al I that ptn of the S 200' of the SE SW SE 29-23-IW.W.M., which lies E of the Ely r/w line of PSH #21 (Navy Yard Highway). ..~~ ..u->' ;;O'fjI43 -.- --- . . ~