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I DISTRICTS ,.2 76 y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE' Rd. ..... Po" PUO FPO fill2. - - 58 16792C Chauncey G. Vaul!;t!n, et ill 3 40~ A 3 2 L C I ( ,,( ~ H \ -~ 'R :)j6t'/f,( 3N7[) 7/:'1: .A: /~ Ji. ~ ~Il" A:. ~ 2 I (!., ..L ::;",,}.SM3 ., / 3((:xJl) 3f ..L htd.~ A 3.... sZL .L tff i . I I ; - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , "~ ..-...- ~--==---=-==~ ~~ - - -- . ' - ---- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Ollt.r Tlmtt.r Unlmprovlld Improvad TOTAL OylUir Timber Unimproved Improv" Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE - -2li .57 .57 50 50 .c2i .57 .57 -'On /&5't? /70D (PI .5( ,b,/ /00 / Is-o /9s-o 1& It''' /9"5 .R ,,0,5" "- ~ /...7"'- ~",?,.j!>.5" c25/~ 14 4tH ~c/O 36l/ () '& .: ~'% 441) 6,,/0 ~"I14 ~ 1550 .5Z 411 ~ -/ / .,~ I~% 3/"0 1;.;190 /-stS9'o 77 ,",,"--.-' --.- L).c; nn /)15/" .; ~Ltll L.c, " ~~ ,. ,I EL /;l 01) () 33 70 Q -'15700 .J1.. C- O ~;J()d / % .:i!.5 ..:2~) 01,,5 k C ~ c .BJ.... .5.50<' / f'.5t5 02'10;;,5 ;If ,~77 C;7 c-fj- -ri- -f) I ."" , LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. RGE. ~...r ~'~~I~I~':~/ -..-,-'''.'. .1'., .i'1...... . I"" '"l' ( -'...-'. ..;" e'.,. .,." l.....' ... "-:~_':-. ;_ .._,." .__.. .'._. '_"":0.,,,-. .,;','.: .",. ," """'"l8eginningat 'a po1l1t on the 5 line of the N1 of 51 of SW SI, lying W of , 5ta~. Hy. #14 100' W of the SE corner, thence W 250', along the S line of the N! S! SW SE, lying W of State Hy. #14; thence N 100'; thence E 250'; thence S 100' to point of beginning. ,~.. -, ..'.... .-._~m-,.~~-"'_. . ~....._~ -- -Oi _ .. "..~;,.,,;". !:"" .. .",. . . . ~4" .., -::~~- . ~ =1 L . LLLJ I -. NUMBER OF ACRES -1 VALUATIONS Year Order Timber I Unimpro"ed Improved iOTAL Oyil.. Timbu Unimproved lmpf:)....d lmprovtmenh 8. of E. - (luildlnQs) VAlUe 12 1--- ~7 ,':;7 1;2 500 iy500 5/oot'J D -, . -e -e- ~ . 23 ! d SX) L" .- ~ C''(f\ -~(_. ~ - ~. ~ - @ --&- <"':"'- -8- , ,57 - --, ;,:> '<'A 0 ~e<;oo 1i~ - ,.) ! 510()~ ----- - -- --- . I ------ --- ---- -- 1._.- -. .- ---- ---.- ~- . - .==1 --- ~---~ 1----- -..-- - --- -' - - -- . I i l- . I , ..-~.,.;~~