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Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO / DISTRICTS .-- I 0 Rd. .... Po.' PUD I 'PD ~ {';'" -I--~ 2 45 ~.L_Z L I-- 2 403 A 3 2..!:-.- C , Ido SALE PRICE' 52 11568$ Dahle H. Roesell et ux ~ 149248 Dahle Roesel1 et ux 56 162909 Dahle Roewell et ux ..6...r.L /J",{ 1'a. t, ' ../ 0., "'f+'.J" (l ..1d:..- t/ ~h .~ IDCO 100. .#- C63....y f-----I---- ;;< 'i2l.~.;22. L ~ I if / Wo '? IJ '?.2 I / I,. tI .L ---- -- ----~-:_~-:_-----------------;------;-------~._~-----~----_.~--------~:---~-~-~=~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS You Ordar TlmbM' UnlmpfOV~ Improv~ TOTAL Clyo... Tlmbar Unhnprowd h.Drov~ Improv.m.nb B.of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ..51... 1.28 1.2$ 60 350 410 53 1.2$ 1.2$ 60 460 520 57 .17 1.15 1.32 30 50 460 540 lid /..3.:< /,3;;>' .;? J? " 7.3.~ /015:- 64- -2-r~ 36t1 7!;?o /.,;(?A 2L -',/y /? tJ tJ / tf'f0 .::'_<40 "J-<J/o 2:L /.55~ ~ /llt<< /15'95 71/ /A/) X 3/LJCJ btJ'liJ 19fi'lO fl L.JL ;3;;. .5Lf n ,1 lOt, c'.- '( .J"r. / TJ ':,' 10 7'1 F/i(jo .:1. ,h,.,L c" .;:!S'lc,c, -U- /,3:2 /.3.2.. C (\ ~)7( (' luC~ If" ~^ ?i::L 1"( f)r, rI 23..2';; ~;:" ' cr:j.J , i LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. ROE. '1 - ....\~-- m. , f', r. I ~ ,-----.--- , .' ;.'< '.".0";._'-.'.-).' "'''n\ i .~.. W 10' of Tract 17 of SW~ SE~ W la' of Tract 27 of SW~ SE~ W ~ acres of NE~ SE~ SE~ Ex. N 60' Tract 23 and S 140' S 44' of N 60' of W 2 Acres of NE~ SW~ SE~ --d "r /- -~~-'.i-)tJ - __ ,/, ~ I I "~I ,-,I' /; -/ ;(/t~ cL ,...d c.. ~<1'-? ./,'7( ~U ! I . ,:'~'-a_ ......~ ---&.,-;.: