HomeMy WebLinkAbout123294200130 Year 1 Fill No, NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DI~T~ICTS .-,,",-,':? /' ;. ~P:'I~IF; ~l iD L ~I~~? :LI..c..I/ _ d i'd.2L,:k;..3...I..L:"C c....SFI 1 ~. I ?L .Li~iA:32~Ct(.L I . 'I I I--:-j----- SALE PRICE' ----5Z. Donald W. Beck et ux /93U &1 --I-i-i----~~! __1_'_1___1_1' I . i' i I I '! 1_I_i_._'_,_1 I I I I I I I ,I -I-i-:----! , , I I ' I -i~:-i-~---I I 1-1-,--1.-1' I I I I I , ' I ' I I , -I-I-j-:-,-I-I ,- - -, .. -- --.: ~--_:'_---_:'_--~------:-~;-::.--.- - - - - ;--:- - - - - - - - - - - - - _.::. ~.: - -':~u:~1--- -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oylter Timber UnImproved I Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber I U"lmp""d I,mp"'.d Improvements I B. of E. I (Bulldinas) VALUE i:2, /'/0 70 //t? 7c7 I '7'- l,dS- /- dS- I I '/ () I j '70 I 0/ /. Ob- I ! /.oS-, ' ~OOI I ,/GJO -- I I '~------I - " I i7L"4r i____!_~ 0 I. 1~' I ' CL. .td. i I ~% ' I i I I I .. '/t:?t1~: I /cJLJt:S i , I 2.2. i , i ~ ! i I J! I} C1 I I , ~t!J, I I ---~--- I -1-i I 11:>0% I ! /htMI i /t.an , 1 ! / / II "I II I 1 1/ - 1 I . ,--, .~ I~~- I .22 I 1 ! ,. i , I , I ' 37(". ! , ! 17 t. 0 )1 J1. I 1 C' ! //Ff:~ , , 1/ r-' ..; I /05_ /05 I I ' '- - ,&b I I k?.{ 1'-/0 j i7C/,</.... \ , I I 1 .- I I I I I LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. Iil' .....- _u'l:l-': _. ,..,....,,-.....,-- .-4 j;t11l I ~ .L.1.', ..-, , l~tT .39w ., .. u. ".~.'." I I ."",. I r A tract of land situatElC(in the Nw SE . of Sec 29 Twp 23N Rl ';rd;., BGN at the inte~section of the W R of way of t, e Old navy Yard Hiway with the S line :01' the N ;:;hore rtoaa Thn run S along 'the W Rof Way line of said Old Ihvy Yard Hiway 260' To the IP I ~hn continue oru same line 200' I Thn Vi 240' , Thn N 240' ! Thn E 240' to ( ~~ -- -- .-- - - -- ____.,_...1 ........",....-- '1 I