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You File No. NAME of OWNER CONTltACT 111 DISTRICTS .276' SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port puolFPO I 'fd...O 1t" Ceo PlOP" 815. Ule - - 87250 Charles Beck 2 45 A 3 2 L C 5~ 148315 -6 Chas Beck et ux 2 403 A 3 2 L C 2200.00 (};t) iQ.;"-1rii -4) :::;~7j .., (o3 /l 3 <? L rE / ~~ 2& b?130/ /6/,X:) ..9'1 .L t+n3 A 3 2:.... 1:... CH .J... $S$.'J:?o ~ff!,l/.;zo - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - I- - - . . - - - - - I-- _ ___ ..____ ____u___ ___ _ _ _______________________ ____ _ ______ __ _ _...;._ ____ __ _ _~_____ _ __.....____ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.... ayl"r Tlmbar Uftlmprowd Improved TOTAL 0r11o, Tlmbv Unimproved IrIlPro'ted Improvam,nb B.ofE. (Bulldlngr:) VALUE 52 1.43 1.43 110 930 1040 53 1.22 1.22 110 1710 H~20 57 1.22 1.22 110 1710 1820 5? /,;;:2 ' " ? //0 ;?iJ&S- ;<17:;- /~ ,C'o.' ,:;; k /.).;J, /. ::.J. ;J, 500 ;;:((,00 3/00 J:J... /.;;1. ;).. /.~ ;;J, &z$~ ~7"1 bbo ;;U 3:;;- .;JR36 U' /:It!' / ,?p :!tao 1.b5'S- / - L.-: :lS~ _7}1,5' /7j/.5 -1:::>'1d I.:,.) 'l~O /~;U) ..:?57LJ Ja. 7~ If. L; - /~:;J,-{) ,;;l3Cj..<; ~ -/ '/_,> !M. "'0"% /~,o} S.:l$ZJ if?.:0 '1~ .;? ':? CJ a ?3R5 '9/-, pL;' :If- ~,,% #6<10 hl_~O /9370 IL 7,.~ 7 0{ 1.2'1 77 () ',> 1/(-' , . 79 k3(^O:J ~ 70 'J(j <;('" I"~, \.I I.', ...t'"', LOT BLK. '-- :, --,.-._"--- ~, / WI. TWN. ROE. . oj n . :-.. ~ . }.~l ,i!f'JJ...., '-.. ." .,.1'1' . m2 of: )i,W SE ..1.,,, .... ....- '..<", . . .J ..fter.1YCknown ~s frb 1,'214 of NW! sEf ._. ';;'iJ.:lIi \;"-='_..'-..._.__:-_-. , ""~:. Bgn at the SW corner of the intersection of the Navy Yard Highway running Nand S and the county highway running E and W in Sec 29 Twp 23 N Rl WWM Thn Salong the W margin of the Navy Yard Highway 260' Thn W 240' Thn N approx 260' to the S margin of the county road, Thn E along the county road to the intersection of the Navy Yard Highway -_..:.c:a >,..~~ -~- =\ ~.." \- . l1..1-----I--- n. NUMBER OF ACRES TImber I Unimproved Improved .n -1---------- - ---- -- TOTAL r Oyst... 7,\; C 0 ---- ---- --- ------'-------------- -r--- ------------- limb., I+/j-t-+l-!-/ . VALUATIONS 1 -. I Improvementl! of E Un mpro't'~ Improved (BuitdinQ5) VALUe' I (, Gr.'" ;2'1770 c30770 .5 7<(iJ {J 3 I fc 0 (J /l C; 0 0 0 t I I - I i I 1-_- -==j__'_==l -~ -----......:-'<>