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V..r Fl!. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DI!TRICTS Rd. !oh. Port PUO I FPD ;r/6 tdl SALE PRICE .~~ a" . -.5.L 1770 rtose ',~atson Axford G orC'es Werdall2.~_Ll2..__L.... C . f6IL-?-?i -'~~ ..N ~ hI, vj} u~ /, b(,/ /1YJ7) .,gJ?-",~ /i .3...La{-,~ Yoo, ~" ~ I' df22R.2,~ Lei JL~ 'kJ..ft..2'..[g.L elf L I -1--1-- __ --I--- - ---1--- ---- --- -- I , I =F- - --- ---- _:. ~-_. =---- ---- -- --- -. ~ -~ -- u - -, ,. -. - -- ---'-;'---~--- ----- ---- - --~-'-" ~~..---- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - Year Oy.t.r Tlmb.r Unlmprovld Irnprov.d TOTAL Oyll.r Tlmb.r ",1m"",,, I Improv.d l,mprovemfnb 8,0'E. (Building.) VALUE S,;? . &.1 .63 /0 /0 .5.1:. -- ,{it, .% Ie. I'" a ."/(, .1L?' .50 I So 21'... - .L/('~ ,L/t- - ScJ ;;, Ie; 7 d 5"" ..!il .<J.~ 4", /c;.o 7/5'" f 5"'E' "- :J. ~ P7C gt?~ /o?o ~ -L-?.5 1/J';0 49.!5' ~ . "'o:l ;$5'~ 9~;)O )?97~ ~ /550 /o/;'3a //9-f 0 -7~ /tJ(J % 11/17 tJ .:1aJ'W ;>~WhO fl ' ,.I.{ (\ . .1-" ..) ~- ?7/.9.7 1':; ;Z S'L, "':';~'7 Q 0 J.1- go '0 50050 ~p - 2. L-)-::'O '~ .1& .{(, r'0 350<-1 ;/ 'IIC' I . , - 9;;. / /_~ :JO !r, ~/-",.y. 7. ~'1,' ~ 1/ .,./ !? J~J , RGE. \ . LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. . ... .li.1>. "",'.l;.r. .i' __$.<"1-~~- ~uerly knCMn as Tr 43 ot"'l'l! SEl . ~.,.. ,I The E 100' of the W 941', lying N of Co. Rd., known as the North Shore Road, in the N~ SE, Sec. 29-23-1. ~. - ______A.__. .'C' WJa....~