HomeMy WebLinkAbout123294200010 ___ ~~~:rI3~_c:TS . -- '/ &, SALE PRICE' Rd. ~'h.l.p"t .PUD.FPD 1.._I,-f.02 2 lil..Al~ll!.... c,~ (. 1/ J.j.. aL.k2...L'"L e..--: +3 (J c' ~ 0dl)___"I_I__i_i_'_1 I ~ i' ,;< 4t. hq : 3 ' ,;l Li (J" i / ~. --- -~ -~), .:-1---.. '*73,9.PZ-- 'llt;"'~~{_~.Lil~'..fl'~~L 1. H:.LIf('t.N)() <,pc.... , I.. ! ---i-i-I---~-! I-'-:-:-;-I-! I -1-'-'---1-1 -1-1-1--'-1-1 , : I I' -I 1-1--'-'-'-1 I 1 -:-i-I--,-I-I '. .. '... .______________.____________________________.._____~______n____________-._uu > v", Dy.'" Tlmb~U~B~~m~~,,~CR~:.,o,'" ~I Dyo'''! Tlmb" I u"m~:~~T~m~:"d I'(~::~:,~~~).. ~:.O~JE 5~ .J-.$ 4---1 i 7/,} I I 05() ~.?tI 42 . ~o .~o 1 I L!..() 1 -i /S-J'/d /5")/0 " : -.57-. I, ' (do I .0.0 - I : ~_---..so /5~O, /S90 .:Jj I I : .600 .0{) ___i___'____I~O_,.L70()1 /tl{) (,./ I : : .bol, .bo ~W -,--_._-- -~ !~~i~~7;;- ~.4 , 1------: '-I~'-- .62. II I I _ I .s;?tJ 1,;239'.0 1;)9~O 1P:_ I~ ~% _I 1 IL/{; () 146;'0 /'1f, I. I 1 . .. . !lL i i I! _,:::-B-- I -e- '. =E9- ~ I ' I 1__~554 ~.:25 L,'1"/4; .2,2. I ! 1__1 ~- i -e...' -e-- il.. ' ILs 6.0 . <21.:<.< &''1'75 ~ I.-&- ~ ~ !If- !A7t;1.% I$J<1d /t!J~O /.39sC> 1-4 . I:, (> ,/. " I -t:r ----0- -d- ;;;. ~~:. ROE. '. .> _ '.. . ,~ Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ___.....K;:. q:..~-r:7'~ - . "'~:;c,: .... .',' ......-:-.-.--1.- ~ "'C'1i.':'~ J ~ r-" ....l.y~" 11""""12 of NW~sd"'~' I!!,~ - ~"" 1;"""""""'"; "....!P-,.-'~""".:~l.,..--- "'.:':>.-'-__ .. A tract in the NE corner of the NW of the SE of Sec 29 Twp 23N HI ,iViM Bgn at the center post of said S.C 29 Thn E along the center line 01" said Sec: 2'-) 1141' to the place OL' oeginning of this description Thn E 150'to the ffiv margin of the Navy Yard hiway Thn S along said W margin of said Navy Yard hi~ay 155.62' Thn S 77025'W along the Nly margin of the N shore road 154.92' Thn N to point of bgn all in ~ason County, Washington Including water right from creek running fhrough part of Sec 29 property of the Estate of Sam. A. Watson, deceased, to be used by grantee for private purposes only. Also right o~ way for life thereof over most feasible route. r:;.f\<;1' .:2.77/t...s-~. -=-'0""" ,-- . --......, - 1 ~~~. Gl'rse: :277/"S(.. ~ \ .-~- H-CH-+-liJ -. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Y..r Oyst.r Tlmb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyst.r T1mb.r UnlmprovlMl Improved Im~o~.m.nfl I. of E. ( uildlnQI) VALUE g /"f) t.n .!i / (j;") //JpA; " - 76 <'r --$- ~.. N ~ IL-"-,',_ ' .. .' _"J .. ' .. ~' 7( ~-; "'-0.' -. " 77 . /^' 1 rf ,,0, ; /-/ " 1(7 7 ~ 0 ; .. '( 77 -.-., 1? , '. - -. ,- j /\ ,. '/7. (J -, 71 ~ J ~'1/_,,,; , 37 .. .. '-( I 1-f3llcj /.1-/;: I ., / ' /(r I 1';0 'I !:""rl ( / 'I :JI I y 7//' / r , (.,0 . Go H~-:~' /...::J./, ...-> ~7')0 ,fJ- ..l_ ....- UNo Lfw._ /I~J?~() . - ..