HomeMy WebLinkAbout123292300040 O~STRIC:rS .::'I-t I Rd. Sch. Porl PUD FPD 1 I -52- 103:366 Walter V. Anderson 2 J0. A 3- 2 'IL =! 5/7? JI3t1t3 k!4/;J'~A ~A-d.<~,_ S ~ ~<<- .o2..1.,;2..L c.i 1t.:c t./o:9/3 , '\. '''::?JR:~ ';{_~3.:.a..,i3..:aLL:fJSF ~; ~:::~I~t~~~~~;~,1p~~~~ Li'id3:~,L'L~:LtL I 1----1-[-,----1 i 1 ,__.1_'_:_'__' I I I I : : ! : I I , ,-I-:-i-'-'-I I I -1_:_'_1_'-1 : i 1 , i :--;---1 ! 1 , i' 'I 1 I ,-I'-j--i-i i :, ' I' I '-;-1-:-:--1 I Year I File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE t- ~77.5~3:2... $'11.f'l~I{'> .6';:-<:... .5#. 1 ~ ... _ . .____ _________u_u ______-:-_ ________ ___ ___ _ n, ___ _ ______ ________'-_______-;.'"'-~.....---h Year NUMBER OF ACRES Tim'.. ",1m"",. 11m,,,.." TOTAL ,2 y~ I 2,pt i .:<,f~ 1 ~.J;'(, l .x f('0 I 2.?6 . I 1 <;l, f'b i :{,,fb i ,...1; ~I /~ '" a 1;<,.6' b I I : Oyster .5:2 ,S~ 57 ~L (;.6), ~6. i4 ~ 22 2.l ,'ZJL 2.2 U Zd. '# , I i I I , I ,;?, ~" i , ,;?,j(, i I , , , I.f'f, 1 I : - 1/,f'~ , I I 1 I , 1ft; j,tJo J(, f t. LOT BLK, I I SEC. TWN. RGE. Z- .~ 2-9 1,-- I .2-<.~'"''''- -~, " Oyster I Timber I --1---- VALUATIONS . 1"/, I I I 'm,,,..m,,h [ B, of E, Unimproved Improved, (Buildings) VALUE 1..i::..2_ '_~ _I j,f' 61 -/30 "'-"iJ,t Z-I ,----....-'50 ,;2;2.0 ';<"7Q.- ;_._ ~___.5?J _.?'::<.Q_ ..270 , 'I , , /0<.0 f~o I 9(0 ----------_'______. I. -- (la-~___' /;;:I..CP i !207)) 1 'p.;l.61 -"". i ' : _".-i . ".- '____ __~ /5,0:___ CI'/6 I /LJ~~ , . r '___ /..:?G! /.;:?6: ??.s:/I~5" : 1 d~ I ~5,t) !/?5lJ i....<',7~ : I .f'3s/~..1_..;_I~~s-1 "I7~D I - I R361~~) 1~, ;f:so ~ '< t:.:,,~ . ~M: I t!.5~ i /~5i ./-7:5"0 3J>/O , f.5' .s'1~O "'t!7- ~S S- '?~5! /'750 3f?/tJ'. , J'.;1",2j ~ ~ J'35" ~"'% /670 1.;7 ~ 9.500 '17".;;>'" ,....Ii'_ - I I .. _,"iy knOWlf'aS~ 4 ~~-... zt 11- ,..-....~. ..:5.1 ~ -""'"':""" ~. - ~, ", 3001 N of the SW All that part of lying W of Union Thn 5001 N Thn due E approx. 2501 or to the Thn S 5001 Thn due W to point of beginning corner the E~ River, of the followine; of NW Sec 29 Twp 23~"R1W.WM and containing tliirty acres, more or less center of the old RR grade " ''',,;.ll, :-~=~;-' - '-'-"".... H,a-.. Jf.-" '/7:'~.';? _~,.gltlI..-LZ ,""'--'(:~)"~'H-#7J "!-", u/ ..J7.d _ 'I, /(c i ,dId'; -'A"t.-.,r;.. 'I.. ~ \- . ~ ~ Ym I 0,.,., NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS TImb... Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.t Unlmprond Imprond Impronmlnfl .. of E. (Building,) VALUE 7'; /.gt., /,.tJtJ .:;(,,(11, /&, .-?/J ~ ~ /&?tJ 15 /1-. -1' c) ':;.1./5" :35/Jt:' '7 " ~,tf) 1:2:: /6"/0 - ~ /h7C> )(P t- ~ ~~,- '. , " n /. , ? .~ '-7,~, ' ?If t. j, - It" 19 /56"0;'; 1.5.;',., 30 7()o /7 I fj-{, 1 00 .:? lr t. ,- , , ~- (~:- J'1.'J 7'::; ) /;, , . - /r -, 17;." ")D '.- 3t.:","".:;r.;:;- c - . ----.- , ~. , -~ . ----- ~ .....- NUMBER OF ACRES UTI -r-r -, -1- T ",. VALUATIONS Year I Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 9.01 E. - (8uildtnQ') VALUE 7i ]~) ~. ~ ('() 55CJO / ? ? 0." /773, --- _. c' ':"'...J N I ; .,J.}.{Po, fl- :;;;.. f..o ~ S!;'{)(J /.;;.' co. / 77,p.s- ~:...., .&- t' ,I .. dj.:<6o ~ ';<';<60 '- 6'1 - ---- (i5oo 1';".79,;- /775'.5 2l. .:< 30 ':;30 I . , ~:;,t,(J - 0:; v~ b (J -_._. , Z 52::, ~ 30 ,;( 30 /5500 c:< 3 i'/o 3 ~ 3/ 0 6.J , i /.. 7J' () -& !. lea ---. ' ' , ~? -- --,---- /5SoC -'38'D ,3':; ~, - &'3 , t, 1x () '<9- 6?d"c -- -. :ct ~ ' _"'.:...' c I'SOO .:J ~? J , 3 q; I f' ---" ---~~ - .....--,:, d:':: . ~ p. . (- INto CJ Pt6 --.-- -----. -- It ""','. " -e- 'PQ fh..~rYJ 1..~)(J(') 58/0 ~!: ,,~D ,.-80 J;,- -' ( K1f"o -e- <t1bD -'-' '~' ~n .. ./XlIV ~_ l~ If,~--'' ~, C; , ~........., """'''''''''.';'i~~- . l , -- ,