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-;:--~-r--~-'. CONTRACT TO 2 Jf I SALE 'RICE '-- NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS Rd. 5ell. I P"rt PUD I fPD , ---1- _240 A 3 2 L A & G F1e~~ 13 fI I- C H #49137___ ~Ji ~~~~~-4 ~4000 Ii ~ #-5]"-1-4/ 71165- ";0 68 Fred A. Pruitt et a1 II It f-,.7;~,,'J..- rJ./, [" Ii.~'-,f.-' "^ -." .....". " y.a, I O,d'" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Cyst.,. limb... Unimproved Impro....d Improyements B. of E. (Buildin9t' VALUE 76 2.50 2.50 .22-50 2250 77 -"lono /-fooo II 2. ,"0 ~.< ) 5500 5:;.;}.0 I07;;1..() . ~ 71- (VI :1 ;l; fc..r....< If) .!;()(') 2 (::LtM :Jf70o 1Cf -- r" 5500 21.:;1 0" ,:if, (I!JO r?(J .;z - 50 ,;l,3'o '5"':;0" (i ^~. ~7"l{)n ""',,', }{:.l /~5"t:?6 ..':'~/t..s~ 716gS- .. -- .. - .. . , i LOT see, ILk, / f TWN. IG&. z..- --:;, z- f 2--- ~ .aO"b -&-0--/ ~'ZqU&'f'OO'Z,'d , I .. /~ ;;"':io,-~ , '-'i' .J,""" -C'" ~ . 011..... "J ~ -' _'1Ii ".,- _ " "1' , 1 "'iiiilli .-. JPll!.t!lfl,1!f!,. c,... . {"..':"'.,<"-.. _''''<.__~..'.i!;:>,,~...-- '; (Traet C of Short Plat #249, AFt 3187951 NW NW NW NW 29-23-1\01.\01 .M.. excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. ~~ J.(I,~.L, / 1 ~/ ~ {, 0 ...~