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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,':; "7 {, SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD IWD tL36J - - - - 6<; Oscar ;:icl:elson ~ Do Ainsvlorth 2 1-0< A '\ L L C (?2100 .1/t:J.#s ~./ ,-4- ,/'+-. /7. , k , ~, .-' ., f;' - I- - - - - ~ 11J J$ f (I<';.M/ C, 7JJA1)(I;~ .;114 . /0'350 .., It?/, f1 3 ;i C r!~ 1 ;( ....?.:?</s <2.. -'--'-'-'- .10co y ?!( I J./.a <, Ii 3 2 .L.. c<< ..L I- - - - I- - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -~._- /_-. .. . . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS :r.. Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved ~'t 'l- i.:, 2ft ~) '1.-; f}~ ", 7J:, 71 K;;.. /./0 /,/t) ~ ~/A /0 /< /~O ~?~O ~ /.5StJ fS.lod 2,1% /-.tJ.c /.&<fJ> /"""% /.6n 1,00 -7:':;0 0 fi'ooo 5500 1/500 1.1>1> 1,00 co LOT SEC. ~ ~ ILK, I / 73 '2 q 60:)- 00 ( ..' ~lqO_,~~ / <;L TWH. RGE. ~i~-<lii~~~.'.~ '.-..:.0.; . ,:o:;y,., --.w !S ,,"--,,,, , .-'l:-."'" Imprcvemenf51 B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /0 "-;,i- /~;(O /'1?c; 3.21:0 3.5"f-tJ_ .- 0- 139.<::< SF/5 2'L~a //4J.;?~_ ~o /7i,/" r) .li!f5o ~;;2. '/.5_9._ /,;LfL&,6 17(,,(.0 "f,f"f'oo I &'0,:;:00 J - ~ ' .." ~"~,-,. -0<_-'_."''''_' '_~' ~ ..., . . ~ .~ .~: Tha t part of the S.} SE lIE lyinG Sly ",Dc' BIer of county road Imo1:ln as Roy Boad roac e::ceptinc thero:"ro"" the :' 270' of the S'~. SE l;E. <'-' , J Y ~ A:..~ WoO 1 :::; /"1,1