HomeMy WebLinkAbout123282190010 DISTRICTS '-'" I Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD ~'; '-1-1- SALE PRICE --5..2- 115480 Francis J .C. Benefield . 2 MJL3-.d-.1L C_~ JL "-~ Ino~ /3e.->L~' 'Il 4-W~~;L L~_FP ~ 7'f/ :-0..-71 I' ~#. /;n~n~ //.# -I-! &6/6;> -'111-/ ~ -/!b'f.~ . ~'{k.f:!. 7)Jc<<':~2!"-L4'.t-I___:_ : "LlB "'>lL e C,"c;, ". eo"",,"" ,t"' -4 " -",' _1M '-- _ -'- .1_'_ _'1/Elo'%'JIfftt~~ J!~ 4, :PJ~ ,d u..y 'PI I i:&.I'I'.!L3-L' ,LI C- I H 364679 I . #6118 $10500 WOP % 375826 ;;ejhe~ E._~ II iam~ etLlJx /(N"rCY C.) 1---- 1I,t7;~~7S 7/fl 38'91:..'3 r,~ 4.'///d~ .PVJA/(A._ __ ./>/0""0 ""'" ~.,- <I'II:Ltf'1 -flMd tf. .Ik:ud-;.+~ ~ ) i7tJD _[___[_ :;!: ::.~V ~ ---=1-- I----i-- .5::2. Sf- (p/ -" UI- ~ ~ ~ ._---'....~---------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~----- ~'; o~ -, 400 io-v NUMBER OF ACRES (' - VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE S, iJ 0C 5'"0 I 5"0 /00 I 1/00 /d5' I I 1/.45 I I ;;{52;P I .:2 S- 0 ! I 5~" I ..4" 6Jn 1~,z:lCJCI I ::; rJl'J CJ I 1'000 -Y#() I ' A,' /' /";r." I' , ,~ //.1- , ///: ("' ?4'~~.'i.'" n Xc,>,) 3.,,2 -500 /4{J,-1 C, '7 .' /Li.' ".,-. ~/( .c. '?<-' .. , ..~ ~.,~) cSc/ :27 c- .=>:r 2S':;; " .'...~ <.-.', ~' Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ..fM 400 '/;&-0 ~5'% ~ ;:/!.~c:,)"~_. M(J--'/-J.' ."v ,/:~ ~/I': t I I 1'7 ''r I -7 ,,/~ ,.. =-,,) t>,h- % ? //; .., ;:";; A ~ ... ,~ 1L .1L EL Xi 2c:;J/ / 2, -? Y c? ~:. , j,c/ j,' j LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 23 ,-:8 7 1 ,"'''''., , , .(' ......~.f ..... ~ ' ..._.......-.c..~ '- .' -. '."r~ I ~ . >>",. /iffY') ,. N"~ ',"'" ,rok.He/Z<-<j: /'1: I"K T/2..~ (Now Tract B of Shaet Plat #745) The W 95' es meausred alg the N I ine of the fol lowing described tract: _'r..;.' ._l.X....."'~,'_ .., -L~ '"-, Pa rce I I: and Wly of in Va I. 98 AI I that ptn of the SE SW 21-23-IW.W.M., lying rlrl r/w as conveyed to USA and its assigns by of Deeds, pg 74, under AF# 113523. S of the N 770' thereof deed dated 1-9-46, recorded Parcel 2: AI I that ptn of the NE NW 28-23-IW.W.M., lying NWly of PSH #21 (Navy Yard HiwayJ as constructed and in use daf: Commencing at the SW corner of sd SE SW of Section 21; th N alg the W I ine of sd SE SW 190'; th E alg the S I ine of a parcel conveyed to Delbert E. Wi I I iams by contract dated 6-14-76 and recorded 6-23-76 under AF# 315687 330' to the NW corner of parcel conveyed to Delbert E. Wi I 1 iams by deed dated 10-6-78 and recorded under AF# 352128; th S alg the W I ine of sd Wi I 1 iams tr 35' to the SW corner thereof and the TPOB; th S 155' to the NE corner of a parcel conveyed to Sidney R. Bass by contract dated 9-1-77 and recorded under AF# 333755; th S alg the E i ine of sd Bass tr to the Nly I ine of State Rte #3 (Navy Yard HiwayJ as it presently exists; th NEly alg sd N I ine to the Wly rlr r/w I ine as conveyed to USA and its assigns by deed dated 1-9-46 and recorded in Vol. 98 of Deeds, pg 75 under AF#I 13523; th NWly alg sd r/w I ine to the SE corner of sd parcel conveyed to Delbert E. Wi 1 Iiams by deed.dated 10-6-78 and recorded under AF# 352128; th W alg the S line of sd Wi I Iiams tr to TPOB; EXCEPTING therefrom any ptn thereof in US Navy RR r/w. --. - , 41=:,', ----.-, =- .....'-. J\/> r / """'t-J =' /~ 7:2G. l L ~ . , . ~,., NUMBER OF ACRES I. VALUATIONS I Timb.r I Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro....m.I'lfJ l B. of E. lBllild!nQ\) v....llJ6 20 107 117 11'1 -+;77 , /< -, -- r---' - );1 , ') J (~ <7 i5:/JO :::> C-oo , " fd I;.'.,,:' ) t /,oS()Q d- f---- - -, - - -- --- ---- .,--- ----- ~, . ~ , I 0- _ ____ __ .._ ._- ------ -. 1._.- - I"- --. I ,==1 -- -- ----- -- ---- -- - f--- --- .~ ----- 1-----, r - --- r--- - ----- --- .. , . .-----1-- I I I I : -'. - - .;-""',~