HomeMy WebLinkAbout123213400040 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS . rI ( SALE PRICE R; ..~c P: ~I: L C 'f! ~ llPi2' Wilder M. Brown et ux } ~V~ 1" 4 Itd,br' 1/, ,7 AI'<<:;~ ~ 2't22...fl."..3....LLL /fA',''', ....6...J.. J<ff7..J%' rfL-, tJ....1171 7.f"~' , ~ ~LZ,(& ;W,fL 31"'1 L !L~ r ~"6/? /? y....s"'2t. .i:i. /7..fJoY ,mIl. " LJ ,J,..,d ?7t7d ~.~/J" ;to',_ Z) ,9/ , / , '; ---,-,-1-, 1 I : I ' ! I ',': ===i=I=I= I I ,I ' I I ' ~ I I -'--I-i- 1--1-,-- I I , I --1-:-- --I-I- I --1-1- ----.4IIr-------------------~~~-----------------------~----------------------~~~----~~:~----. '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprov6cl Improved Improvement. B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .52 J f: 7,:) 13,90 //d tftltJ' / CliO ,tJ'I If; f' 0 /,f',7'ei //0 197'0 ;1,/00 f , /7tJ/J 1-,:)0 j,y:: cj <J /4/0 I ..?-o : /99'0 ic2/ J?() , It" 90 .:(. ~ It: 90 ;uJ.:;-' 5"0 : ':<~70 ;;;7~~ ~ ~ ~~61 ~o 3eJ9t1 .5~/() 14- l,.f, tM . 90 /f:9o 15~0 ..vo 3t!J7?J 3t70 & .L. -:40' /oRCJ Ji'1'J 1 ~ I SllJ ? g .I/o ZI2 J;j- .;<as 0 ,9/1 :Qj,/.f'o /.;?:B CJ ,fo t./ J' a ?~9o , 1L /J?/)/J .rl? ;IE'.. 90 R'3~5 /,:;,fCi I Po ~/Po 1~fo 22. ~75o e,f'/J 8f?35 /-730.0 '7~ ,5'41 /.~O "rll,5I''i ---- ';:;<10 /3&'5' J1J'35' /tJ~o 2i , /4l? % /fos- ,:t7c.s- /767:S' :P.c;JIt/s . 7 ' , .n. A/3;?,'--: 3ot. /n ~,~..:; 0 ~.'-.; .1!1- ' 51! I. '11 ,;l'-f ~ . /2 ,-,., t-{ 'P"; 0 .-;.,~ :;/) 11 CO ) I 3 %.5 3cr. 70 350.;5 LOT BlK. / / -, 7- j 'e-;. -' J SEC. TWN. RGE. , . '1iIi~ . ~~', '-";,l!j ...,t ods- c -;-,<C L 'j -[:5./, ?Jf D. D~ 0..),1-0 ~ '..-:,. ...~ ~,;;;.,Jcl . t.' ";"'~".'- .-< ~,. ~1iI ~. .., , :wn as 'l'r J ;)r SE! mil eX:J ., ,,-~,,' ..-.At.Ii1I'"'~ . Tract 1 of SE Slf Bgn at the NW corner of SE SW of Sec 21, Twp 23 N, In W, WMj Thn S 770 ftj Thn E to intersection of NWly margin of State Hy. No. 14j Thn along said hy. to its intersection with the E line of said SE SWj Thn N to NE corner of said SE SWj Thn W along N line of said SE SW to pI of bgn, except therefrom a strip of land 20 ft. wide as R of W for road off the E end of above described tract ':"lov. ;~~~~~f~;~1 8~n::'~;~';;-::~ ;~n:~"~:.P:~:~:~~'~~~gt:;n;;~i; :f1t:~ ~~~~8a~ l~i~ 9 e:f tRe }J 71Q ft t1.,.T.....-~.p ~ ...,...rl , r.....g lJW1:r ,..,4!' ......: ZJ...t ^f u'Q;; fgp l?P!ih_~- 1711&11.:. 1111'51..."""" IT.:.. 1.4 (~."'S- ~s;pa :W:i6R"~) ~~ t~. v.'~-' .; ~ RQ'" ....":."'~~tPl.~t.a IiJ1Q iJi ~.;lS8 s-:aJ? ~ ~ale88 e~i lani Tract 4 of SE SW: Includes house, carport, chicken house & small shed. Beginning at the NE corner of the SE SW; thence S along the E line of SE sw 682.30' to the NWly RjW line of State Highway No.3; thence S by SW along said State Highway RjW line for 123' to center of private driveway; thence proceed in NWly direction at a 900 angle from State Highway for 226'; thence en same private driveway turn 150 to the W and proceed 115'; thence NEly at 900 from private driveway proceed 104'; thence NW 208'; thence SEly 208'; thence NEly 104' to I.P. ALSO: following description which includes trailer, small storage shed and car port. Beginning at the NE corner of SE SW; thence S along the E line of said SE SW 682.30' to the NWly R/W line of State Highway No.3; thence SWly along State Highway R/W line .~or 123' to center line of private driveway; thence proceed in a NWly directio~._ =-- -=-..atr'!JO'" ftem state i11g1l1rayt'or ~.;tJencl!'>llarallel to StaterI1ghway proceed ~ 130'; thence ~y 130'; thence parallel to state highway, SWly 314'; thence SEly 250' to an * Ex. R.R. RjW intersection with the R/W of httJrway; thence ~roceed NEly along R/W 184' to I.P. -;::- Fil. No-;I,--;;'~. ~.t; N[ME,of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;2 1-/ / if ~J~~e'i'':RICE :...J ~_ I _ I. R't... Ad, SCh.I!"rt PUD I fPD ,!_I 2 403 A ..;j 2 L H I c. :# JJ.f:, J4t) .,/7" 25.TI5l Fan Mn'l"ie B'>nefie1d #25410 ..1f.TI 258770- "1 IR. A. Maesner t ~ #26167 .3l:1~ ~~M~~ ! obert A. Maesn r E t t _ #39030 ,f}IO~1 ~4-'5l!l'5" (,~ ,,/7' -'-11'402 . lne1bert E. Wil innls 6/7l 315687 II " " J~4J1tf-(. Wio ~~iZ ~ Jl Via'! H . _ I .Jj.u:-c; 6; .'''), . J JL / /I 3 ;Z L C. 1-, ;1 , I , , /)'t-I 1,40 1 I TOTAL r I ,] IN \ VALUATIONS ~ -L-. Year I OY$ter n, - NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmpronm.nh; (8uildinq5) 8. of E. VALUE .f!:+-_.--I--' ~ 12. .7 c' Jl::: I (1."- \'132,(".[ ~(;~16 1('':; . ^, l~ I' 0'/(. I,"~.c L oJ c I. "/70 35oSS- / '1 \'~! 0 _'" , , I ._-~---- . -- --,-.----.--------. 1-- ~I- II I ___ :=~f=1 ,~---+--\. \ ---- ---- .--- --- --. -------- ------- --. - ------1 I -H I ',"- . :j, ,,'--i1;!~ .. i . ,'- 01 ..,~~.~~::~->~-LhJ.:::~ ::..~~) . _ _~~".~_C)'=1I , .".l!. . --....; . ""'. - ~-~~ ,...~'..- - .I!II! ,~ I "'~ 'nning at the SW CDr of the SE SW, 21-23-1W.W.M., th N 190' to POB; th N ,. tn-Eas1; 1;0 lIhe Railroad r/w as convyed to the Un:itea Stjl.1ie'!l"Of America and ~ssigns, by deed dated 1-9-46, recorded 2-7-46 ib~Vo. 98 of Deed, page 74, und~ 113523,,; th SE1y alg sd rai1ro,,1l cr/w to a point East of the FOB, th W to the~of beginning.~ -~ --------.. NEW DESCRIPTION: ". Beginning at the 5W comer SE 9tl 21-23-lW.".~ N alg the W line of the SE 5W 190' to PClI' al~ sd line to the S line o~ 770' of sd SE 5W; th due E to .,. r/was conveyed to U.S.A. a1Id t1:lt~ by deed dated 1-6-1 , recorded 2-7-46 in Vo. 98 of Deeds, pg 74, AF# ll352!;' th SE1y alg !bLtapQA tae-N.ttne of the S 190' of the SE SW and E Gf PClI; th W llaIIi1e to POB. QC 35;J.,f;J,g Beginning at the 5W cor of the SE 5W See 21-23-1W.W.M. Mason Co. Wa; th N alg the W line of the SE SrI 190', th E alg the S line of the parcel conveyed to Delbert E. Williams on cont AF 315687, 330' to the pob, th due S 35', th due E to the RR r/w as conveyed to the USA, th NE1y alg sd RR r/w to a pt due E of the pob, th due W to the pcb. AND Now Tr B of S. P. #268: Beginning at the SW corner of the SE SW 21-23-IW.W.M., th N alg the W I ine of SE SW to the S I ine of the N 960' of sd SE SW; th E 330' alg the S I ine of the sd N 960' to POB; th S to the N I ine of S 190' of sd SE SW; th E alg sd N I ine to RR r/w as conveyed to United States of America and its assigns by deed recorded under AF# 113523; th NWly alg sd RR r/w tap on the S line of the N 960' and E of TPOB; th W to POB. u__u_~__~\"",..I ....;;.., . " _ ' -R.o..~ <-. /77/.210