HomeMy WebLinkAbout123212490040 - .I / // , i,.. ~ _ ,(,. ( 'r~1 .:~' / /' ~,,,", - -/, J ,___, ~, , / //- ,...~ 11&7 (, d.. C0 ..l L.L .?k..:.. /1cjM ?! L!/03 f.LL;z.. iL~iJL I I' -+ : --'- 1---1-1 I 1/ ,_ _ If _//11;:,", I--I-!-' (>/~I(,'i I I=i= I DISTRICTS ;Z ~f :. ~ ":' ~I::I L C SALE PRICE' Year File No. ..0 ., b " ..,NAM~ of OWNER " .~ f plNTF\ACT TO ,7,07. 001/"1' 3&/3~:;0~d<'~ ~ Hubert E. Overton ---.5l14786B harvin Griffev I // --'--LI//,',e., // , '", ~/';'II .' e/I ',\ --6-3- 77?-:3 d 7';?;z.3 " ___1_- ! ~PI6Fp ;?'.5i:)o f~ , /, /-;:;7SZJ, 07.:?f' .d /17./;441e77 #.offbf-F :1'5",1' NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS /,?:.-? Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE J;V .3 Y (//1 39, gtj .J-,;ri! ..2.o-.-'l ~ ;~ d0tf /75' /76 ~ ;2q St/ ;;<9.i,/ /.50 IS-o .4- c? ;;; c?/ I ,;? 30 ! .;:;;30 M ~ .;( 9. f y:. 300 I 3o-D ~ ~ tf-{.v 5,co $';00 /001 /00 ~ 5:00 5:00 /O.OD I 1.0 61 100 990 //9.0 & L::: <;"',f,;; /.-::1.5 /.:16 /d7/0 l/d9t1 j,z 7--tJO 3~ 0 CJ /tJ,O() ,.;? / rJ //0 /3S-.o 1{''J6 M - .~ 3:!C) 2/J... ~ ~ -9~o ..1f30 ~Sb 22- 35M ':;3.;;)5 - - 75'G,O 4r/ -<" ?2- 3..<~tJ //')50 -6--- '15'5'0 72. ~~"O 3:00 /~, {Ji) 3'500 ';;(.5;;e5' /6/0 '7#3.5' 7/3 -~ /eJ S-O '--0- ~s-~o '~ '-~-'! "L I , :../- _J {,.., LOT BlK, I - ,..-., ~ , , ,,",,--, "". ~"' .SJ.-;;. ~A;,gf.'~;~~; ~ c I f7,;is..;t /j~'fO Q''fl() I '7~r SEC. TWN. RGE, <,.~':"-- ,..~ ..- (Tract A of Short Plat #224, AFt 313743) ~ That part of the SW SE NW 21-23-1W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the NW corner of sd Section 21; th alg the W line of sd Section 21 S 00 29' 39" E 2506.73' to the W teorner of sd section; th alg the E,::W centerline of sd Section 21, S 880 01' 11" E 1305.11' to the SW corner of sd SW SE NW; th a1g the W line of sd SiD N 00 00' 10" E 20.01' to TPOB; th N 00 00' 10" E 309.99'; th N 880 36' 33" E 392.45'; th S 80 00' 19" E 82.69'; th S 1030' 37" W 251.45'; th N 88001' 11" W 397.48' to TPOB. >-:<.~-- --.=~ ~ ".{.~ .;:u,: u_ * E;(, :~ 1 P~~ll) .5 j I I ____..:-~~_-=-=~,:~.-,--~---"" ,,,_u ,__ ,"',u, "_ ____ . 1-1-'-1-1-'-' ___________ __u__"'_u_~.-,----:-~=~,:_~.'---- Y.ar NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS OysUir TImber Unlmprovld ImpfOYlld TOTAL Oyder TImber UnImproved lmprovld l,mprovemenh I B. of E. (Bulldlngs) VALUE '100 3,00 If),oo ~O % 70ClC) I./65D "3;il,;;;lO /#'Po ...",.- , ---- ,,":;-110 ~/.5D .,3,00 ,3,0(') 8900 500 t,Lt/-oo L, .:;. (") .717 ") ;;Z;L 70 /,? {In, 1.7.50 d J;2 50 C r, I. -- r' ,:: 7/( . (,;!;;2.7D c~' ,)r , -.;/ I ) ..3 0 /,) ...-? 0 0 1.,300 1/loJ. ) 2()hOO J ,j [" -. /71J:Ja 110 / J5 _-;;.3 /"~',-~ "",,'. - - -, J!L 15 ~ LL ZL /1 iL i2.