HomeMy WebLinkAbout123212094420 !). ,p "'l.-jJf "II 'I!? c.,p 50 -\ v: ,) ....._. 1.<-" '/ ., /... l /.-t- Yu, ,:ZCm.bN~S NAMElof OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,'~/i I SALE PRICE >Z'I., ." 'd, 5eh. I Pori PUD fPD 1 - J.t/Cf(;;J.f., r<'./!' " I , f/''I'''''' 9/7 293513 Claire ,F. Lopriore G.Reid et ux 2 403 A 3 2 L C H $40~0 '177 ',"'C>7 bl-<:J, i.. (I u'."u ./2. .!! .#..s~<-<~ ,-;? c.yG,t, ".t, 'HrZr .i-i I' :%./:::-> , 0".", .' < , W!f~ l,{) /iQ &_ U , ,>r f?/ /} 1-1 R'S~:z./_~- J-oll ~ / Vd3 3 .:z. L (' '" (/ l/ Jd(),) NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y.ar OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements .. of E. IB1l1ldinQ11 VALUE fI/I ,?~ ,,-'l4 /1'8(') /<;130 '1..4' /"f..;?/'J /Jl~go /.5..<5/'~ LL ,cj - ~,-:::C'" . '- . ') -,! 7'i j, J{/{ {,,:", '71,- ... -'" ,-'~- ;er "/,/ /'11.' cr: ;1,- .', . ,'1::' 7r , ' , . ,1J , (If ,1'1 /07:J ) ;;, (,,3 /6 7 Tv 70 , LOT BLK, I I 7 ~' ZJ / , / G I' 'L 'i' 0. r.;z ()' <t' #'.;<1,;1! UI <- -' SEC, TWN. RGE. '. . '02L" 23 1 ,_ _T:ract .42 0:( E5- NE & ti NW -; ,. ,<' <d,,-/&/"" , _ ~ _,,~.~'-P "_-<I. ,..-.,,- The E 125' of the W 318.73' as measured along N line of following description: That part of the SW ~N 21-23-1 as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of section 21; thence along the'll line of section 21, S 00029'39" E 2506.73' to the wi section corner of section 21; thence along the existing centerline of Newkirk Road, S 88014'00" E, 180.14'; thence IT 00029'39" 'N 272' to LP. thence S 88014'00" E 397.63'; thence along a line lying 20' W of and parallel with the 'Nly boundary of said Plat as measured at right angles to boundary, N 35002'18" E 108.07'; thence continuing alollB said parallel line N 05000' 00" E 67.85'; thence contir.uing along said parallel line N 050 11'02" 'II 100.80' to a point which bears N 88014'00" 'N 20.15' from the}Nl corner of Lot 4 of Plat of Riverhill; thence Jo: 88014'00" W 458.73'; thence S 00029'39" E 258.36' to LP. .~ ---- -- -.., .