HomeMy WebLinkAbout123211300050 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,..,? ^I J SALE PRICE' Rd. 5ch. Port PUD FPD ~ --52 109')')' Jessie I. SnVdA.... 1/ 8.--- 2 h_lL3_l2- L C FF ~"':-/<Os/-Z I,r,~~ J . A' Ih,~ I ,- -UI/IJ'/d(/"/ /> dh~.'~~/ -",TN? ..;L~.&...L<6...bL.k.i'l' 75" 80.<hil ..........ncw lI-tll3 , n ..L!:/a.3..iL~..;L'..b...,~1L ~/rl _ I". " /J /1 I f,-_ I 'I JD,C, ~ 'tv- t"r' In......1i/..f)'l-rSUh 17Ic;v..:..u fiuM ,:...: , IL[)t'-. =I==='=i= -I'..,..L:li Year File No. NAME of OWNER , ~='='=:=i-I I , I -~--I-I-I- ~I-'---- I ii, =I=i=:=- -I-j-I-- ---'-1IIf'-~~-----~-------------------------~------~--7-----------~-~--------------~~~~----- 0""> '%0 VALUATIONS Tlmb" I ""imp,..., I, Imp,..., / .:L Z> /501 .3S'D I , f?&t:1 I i?P I I :2 15 322.tJ 1 r'/3/J 113'770 I I 156'0 L/55' ,0/J/J In a,; 4-0 /.."_. , ~ {, '/" Improvements (Building.) B. of E. VALUE NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster "j2 // ;: ,? '"- hZ J2L ..?2. 23- 2L 7JL CLASS. ...L;;;L RC.W 84,33 ....-- .& .1.l.. II tC 15.11% 1.:2.0 /M I _ ~-5"'/J l--7tJO I '7"<Jo.<;, _ Is'J.:lo !7~ ~S'~ 5(")() c.. '<_ LL I I /I/!'t, I , /I. 117, ~ //.c,,"- I ,.' , , -,', , :') , ~ II? t. I /It:, " / ~~ ~.... / "'/fo 0 / t,//.() LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. / I ;!.. ~ Z- / I '? '/);3'2' /' ~O D~ D:5,l) , of SW Nil '*'~",. "'"" ' ^ --, .~ 1...1./ _, - ~ , RGE. .", \ """'. ' ?,a. 1 d___ _'l':r ',_ $, CLASS. FOREST ' ",::i\CW &,aa C5;J,. ~ ,.A'~e "-ly known as. Tr 6 of S':l~ NE~ ex me r A tract of land situate in SW~ of NE~ of See 21, Twp 23 N, Rl, ~~ \t1,}.J".ows : Bgn at a point on W line of said SW~ of I;E~, 60 ft N from SW corner thereof; Thn 3, parallel with S line of said S~~ of NE~, 590 ft to a point; Thn NE parallel with NWly R of W +ine of Primary State Hy. No. 14 (Navy Yard Hy.) 360 ft; Thn NW llSO ft, more or less, to a point on \v line of said SW~ of I~E~ 230 ft S from the hW corner thereof; Thn S along W line of said SW~ of NE~ to pt of bgn. ~~....:..;;.,.'~ L-.. * Ex. R.R. R/W CA'jf.- iJ./:/'.:::.c;.."-: '~ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I liDiTl-!-' . I- . VALUATIONS (g,J'O Y.ar Oyst.r I limb., I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r I Oyd.. limber UnlmproYlld Improved Improvem.nts I B. of E. (BuiJdin9s1 VALUE S3 _. ,ft. II. (, to /1 {, b 15'10 /~~O 8''1 II. b In /1,(, b JS5"o IS~O 1:5. - ,r ;It IS;' ,,;-^ /~.:..).".... .. //. . - - I --,- - - --- 1------ ---- --- -, .. I ~~.~... ---- ----- -- 1.__- - -' -. -- ---" ---.- --- ---- ' 1==1 n_ ----- ----- ----- r- - --- --- f---- - - ~' ---- , '---l ! , I I --1 .., i