HomeMy WebLinkAbout123204200000 You File No. ~. t?27fJ3 pAMEolOWHER COHTIlACT TO DISTRICTS ,; "b SALE PRICE: Rd, ..., Po,1 pvolFPO 1)/[;, - - 52 118513 Joe Bulduc et we 2 45 A 3 2 ~ C >.- - ~16 55 Elizabeth Bulduc 2 W A 3 h :l n 2 L C . ~ ~ -~ ~ d.C "fILl ~___ ,:;? :&2 A :q ,,7 t- r1, J ~ 767';/ , .2f2.. f~51 -C}.YPi?J~ -/ ,,-:/., ? r,_~ I / Wt13 f1 .3 .L -L elf ( .67) .5'1 -~/-?:2S gSV~~lA'1 r-n - '", I- - . - - - -- - - - - - - - - c-- - - - - - - - --- -~:.-_----- ---- -----:--- -- ----,-----~.~-- -:- --.--;',:"-- --"-"-'-_':"'--~---------":',~..'---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Oyd., TIN_ Unimproved Imprgyed TOTAL Oyltl;r Tlmb.r UnllllProVld I,.PNftd Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 52 26.67 26.67 280 2$0 57 17.42 17.4< 2~0 220 ~"f /71:< I ;; .,I;;; ;(;;:0 flc:J -3/0 ..1,7 ,! "/1 (0", " ~ I " /, ,l<(~ j,( [J ;/'tJ ?{ )/) / " 0' ~ , " -I. l il /'1. 1/3 (, ,O-V -2 c;: ~3 3/t) /,yo / fS- 07.s- li" /,.;:(0 ? ,1/)0 7,,;!.0 /0 /.J'6 /,!6 .3"75 Ma. '117 If) ~;;l(S" ;),30 '1'70 b1 I,d t) ~4J t,,, J ~.5" :77S- .::l:3o /t)7CJ hI? !.:I() .5.LL t,,$1 6s- tf/S' .;)50 '7,/0 . -7,1 ~ ,~ /.3't? /.:191) ,!/7~ JJ''10 U. /(1";; ~<~ 5.:>7< I/Pt> ~(;,4S- , [) 7q ,('1' / {;) /l5() 5.r7.5 /ltPO tt. 35' ":10 5:'& 160 , 2!/- ~ 'Iff! 't 900 I0/S0 ~~ /3 :2F;(:) s~. - 1 .' . .7 . 5,' '0 r'!-f ~ y.";i;J 99:--' .. /. . :; , . ~.~-~ . 1'1 C-t ..., . . .. . '/ 17.;:~U_ 3/,; ;; ,; f'~ LOT 8LK. J . Z- (' 0' co -- ,. / ..:3 'Z- () II ~ .. 0___--.-4:--, ROE. /:l.5.:l(!)~t/l.l:}J)()P'Qj QE~iGNATEQ .SEW ,9r:aI'" ~'",ko!'.:F.;'lf4i": ',1',,,,,..' ..q ,,,, 'hI'.!' ''''' .... .~.,,: IIEC, TWH, .. '-~~-' 1 i""ormerly known as - N 2/3 r~,4 SECe.;~and Tr 2 of' Niv~ -sE~ A of land containing 0.30 acres, more or less . Sec. 20 N Rl WWM n at the SE er of said Sec 20 a n S 880 bou ry line of sa~ c. 20 stance of 1377' with the R of W l' ate road #14 as no Thn NOo 42' ong said WR of ne a . nce true bgn 0 e tract of land herein Th N 0 42' W 105' Thn S 8~018r W 125' Thn S 0 42' E 105' Thn N 89018" , to the situate lason County Tr. 2 of NW~ SE~ NW SE of 05' W along the Sly to a section cated and of record of 2050.4' to the described said tract of land being ~~;.~- .'. - - - ~~,~-' ~ \ . NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyder Timber ! Unimproved Improved EL________ 'r: 15 ;.{ <f r X'()nI=SJ~l\la "'~.L r7n II I-f. , I. - - t:;. '-It. I I"r, l3 :ill I,('() L/ (", --.-- , LI'. i c--- . / r' IS. TOTAL 5 rc.r !.-.1. I 5. c~ 1 , ...: " I I I Oyster Timber I ----- -------- -- ---- ..-----.--- 1+--++1+!-1' . b..!',c) VALUATIONS Unimproved! Imprtlved Ilmprov.ments I \ (Build,n~l5) ! B. of E. VALUE 1 , II,:./ I" [I ?'?':': ~.~ ;:~~i;::~'-3~~~ ~I )/}OCJ I f,l3;;J0 /[;J. !?J"C! 5'~o I ;;cJc>O I c;5~~6 /;;( '710 ~_~;~ I J::J") ! ::.~O ~~~l~-._ , I I I i ;__~_i:-- i.-.-l~ . ---1--1 I I , I i I. --- ...- ------. ------ ---.-.------------ ------. ------- I , J I_~