HomeMy WebLinkAbout123201201010 Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;'11 SALE PRICE Rd. llo', Port PUOIFPD IMH 1J050 ~~~p~~n~. -- - -5.9. 176985 E. rUkelson et al 2 1&3 ,...A l_2_ ..k.. ~ _ !Lllioo....... ..kJz... Iv",?:}" W. f(~ ~ - - - - - - 'JI'> ...iz.L If6.T.:/ '1 "A }CJ...~ , ,P / 0/ /b +'3J /Soo. Ji:L If,,> /1 ~ fJ/~ t9( ?/? 0-....-1 J .../4- i1 - - - - - - /0., ~d {(p,- .,{L. '},.,.J"':.. 'a /J "j 7 f'f I t/tJ3 /I .2. L. .1.. J;... iL I~,(- 1/, ,-:>. o. ~ ?:- t1 ,?, (.. -#-- ~';"'j.,., -..(..,,, - - - 66 ;Z1'>>~"h t .J?J' :-v<..J .. "J. j.:;e' I .,& ./ ('V"':i1 ~ cI <'/..UJ- ~- . f-- ocJ .. ./ , - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ----..::~-'- -~--.. n.._ :.;,.- ::-;,--------~ --~:.----~ - --7 :..--'~':.---._:_~_;-- ,--------..:::~-: - ~ ::~:.~....._~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Old.r Tlmb.r ""m'''''''J Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved 'mprovad Ilmprovemenh B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..5.9... 4.78 100 100 4.78 M <In /f. '7,f ~clO ';:uo i4lt. - ~ .;l~ ~s-o b~ $J9~ /- ~." ~9~ ,,;l5'LJ ..;l5t> .54~ t,i - ,fc;? .~'1 -- ,;/5t) .:)50 ~ S ~Z ..5"1) ~"t'J $1.. ....,,'" Sac 1!/- ;. 0 % /'l1ru() /oe>o 77 , lei.. '(1 Ie," /......'/~ .') ir" .. l!l.. 1000 I 0 CJ CJ tJ.. , I. 7 ' Cr ,yo CI '" rf'Ot} -, k ,(")t; ,L9 /IS~~,:) .;? SOS<J 3655'0 , I LOT SEll, ....L , BLK, ) TWN, / z 3 ZO RGE. I z- 001 DO,i ". \ II1a ll'~3 .OJ rA,~_L~,~.., ... '-~'.<.:'_' "'~ ',.;','-..l-.>~."""" ,.,,', ....-. .,. ..",', "-"':':';~J ;"_'C, .,.,_ .. , . , A por of the N; of the NW! of the NE~ of 20-23-1 W'w.M, lying W of Navy Yard Hy, desc. as follows: From the quarter section corner on the N boundary of the Said Sec. 20 run thence S 1017'12" E along the W line thereof a distance of 30.00' to the tune point of beginning; theDce continuing S 1017'12" w 616.50'; thn S 89041'48" E 300.CO'; thn N P18' W 500.15' i thn S 89003'18" E 257.91'; to the W R/W line of the Navy Yard Hy; thn N 6017' E along said R/W line 112.30'; thn N 88054'41" W 577.13' to true point of beginning. , Free of iacumbrances except restrictions, limitations and/or easements now of record. < 1-" ,..~ ~., - ---- -~ --.------ - - . . . :.-. G. T. Brown S. Nordland