HomeMy WebLinkAbout123171400010 y..r FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~- ~"~(.1-1 D1STRICT~"iL... SALE PRICE ?:{'~-; ~ C> - //'7/ )':;;/ ' 1 -,.? - ""7" ':J. /}~"';;'D- ,".:;J 'Rd. Soh. ~I~IFPD L I C /0.-1 h _ _'" -/ ~~.':- ,'/:.-: 52 Edwin Opsata et ux 2 45 ~ 2...1.3_ 55 158232 Courtney V. Webster Roland Bisso 2 403 A 3 ~ !L C 8500. 58 172669 Roland J. Bis son et ux ("... (, rfr L 'ifLJ..1l. L21.L c. ~ -~~ ~ ~5',;17f.s--~ 7Tfd{J-J~,~-O-?, . 1.,op ------ -I-- Pc.. " (lP '1'ft> ~'" /7, I-J! {l.. /? ~(~' r." ' uJl~ "" fa =>9~r-" --- 11g(p '/-5'355 l{,'l1 ~ t~~'ltAA n" 'd~rf".1 .d I. ;to' 7'1,/973 --- <j?'"'.b, - !-- - - - - --' - - - -1- - -,- - - - - - - 1-,- - - - - -I ,-- -.----~~~~------- ---~ ..- ---------~~-~----,-~------~-- ~ ~. ._~---=------'----.---- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yur Oyd,r Timber Unimproved ImprovMl TOTAL Oyd.r Tlmb.r I U"'mp~~~ Improv~ Improvlmenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ....51. 4.95 4.95 450 560 54 4.40 4.40 lIDO 540 650 57 4.40 4.40 I 80 620 !l-g 4,?/O t/-, ,-/,'1 - 8',1 .~7~ 35() ',-f G", "/.s G.'?,L/S" /00 -J '/ ,'~ ") .~-" / 0 7"~C ~ ;;,.~ C:,,(,/.~ 19S- 5"~o 75"5' I -I'IS- .:<710 t,l3~ ~ ..-: ~ .210 .q~tJ 57'tJ M S,&-d 3d~ ~.4/!': 'fJ ~~ 1790 :il'/o 2Q ,,;; F?% ./"/'J 530 ~7+'C::; ?/fSo ..zg ~~3 ,j-- :~/{f CJ .?.3CJO /;J79CJ .za. -L~<'O :$1 ~a 5e> /~ 'f52T5"' 12 /.5S'0 /1/5' .500 ~I:S' 2!1- I It tI% JJ.:7f?@ ~2r:L /<XJ$f) !9tJ/O 77 .~ 18M',:) ,,)?{,,:2.0 , LOT BLK. I Z / '7 '--J , - . . ..' .-,', ....~ ..,. , I 3 RGE. CJm-;r~1-1J V-j j O,OJliC\ ~~. !!cElt ,s,'tl' '.c J~. 1 _ ." I SEe, TWN. ..~-, ,'-.~..-' , 1, .ot " ~ .,!!~ A strip of land described as follows: 1 Commencing at the NW corner of the SW~ of the NW~ of Sec. 16, Twp 23 N Rl, W.W.M. running Thn 25 ft. S, Thn East to the Western boundary line of State Road No. 14 (being known as t he Navy Yard Hig;hway) j Thn North along said W boundary line of said highway to a point due E of point of beginningj Thn W to point of beginning N~ NEk SE~ NEk Ex. Tr. 2 Also Tract 2 of SE NE (Formerly known as Tr 3 of Nk NE SE NE) Com at SE corner of N~ NE SE NEj th W 103.3'; th N 232'; th E 103.3'j th 232' to point of beginning. Also Tr 2 of SW NW &f Sec. 16 & SE NE of Sec 17 (formerly known as Tr. 13 of NW SW NW) Beg at a point on W line of Sec. 16, 25' S of the NW corner of NW SW NW; th W 25'j th S parallel to W line of Sec 16, 194'; th E to W margin of old navy yard highwaYj th ~along W margin of highway to a point 25' S of N line of said SW NW; th W to I.P. ........---' i .'7 V; Of '. I G - z. '~- ( /L ,3 5L-u,-v '-<--- .p. AJ.c. "-'<1 :J t: K-+f++tl ..../ 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS B. J?C; Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyd.r Timber Unimproved Impro.....d Improv.mutt B. of E. (Bllildirll~'l VALUE 7\/ ':{ 00 :<, ..; .; 1.,4C; ,- : r- I 7 ;2;--{() I ~ ~ 11 !? ;. t-/ 0 , , 7'1 C:Zlr:.5o. 33(,50 .5 '-f goo 1~ r () C"'r,. ~. j ;<", ) d.7G;)o " , 90 ( . , -,. " / C' c'<'.) ':-:~.-,7 '/U ( ., gl 91-140 If ( f 1 ..21t,;2.0 - 1-, I vi !( () CI .3 </5' do </5' , I 7c2lftJ /tJoo !? ;{ fL,') 'X'"Z .- .?:;/5 J .1(7,/0 !:5NO -,-- --- -- -- ----- - - ----. --, ---~ - - -, " , , I I , \.'- , ,I ..'-~-" . You File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRiCe Rd, to., Po" puolFPD - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -, '--- .---':" - ~'- - - _.. _: - ~, n -..-...... -.. - ,- -- --:~ - -- -;--'::'__. ...::-_:..'__&_______-:_-:.:.:...____u-:::.:...;;.--::;: -:1-" _..- NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS T'" Oyltar Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyat.r Timber UnImproved lntprowd I Improvement. B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE - i I If I -4 OQ I ~ I ::? LOT BLK. 1,23 v lEI:. TWN. ROE. T'l , ., . . , I" , , -Y'99 -j'oD - , ,-. Tit'. ~.r# Q' NJi: J a - CI .,. '11.,'" ,Jm.lI. , ';{ ? t''C' .. . 11,,_ ,,- a _,_I "