HomeMy WebLinkAbout123094390110 . - - -. '.-;:;.:---'- ----- - --- ----- -- n - ----- - c ---:; --:.0; - c - - - - - -- - ~ - - - - - - - - - --- --- - -- .:-::::;:-~.:'-.= - --- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ Timber Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL .s. P? .3.37 .~"f? 3,t7 3 117 3. R 1 .3,~t 3.~,f 3. '3 g 13, 3g , Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER COMTRACT TO ----52- 105450 Fav M. Caldwell \ !tzLl:)Jt;i,\7,' 13l..o...,'lA-Iu ~J- ~H'.J1 / n{)!) ..Jki 'f'/:),7S9 ~.tL./t-<vf (J~~__.::. r1 ~. t/-533f, ~:I ,~_~,Jj.e.-wdu~i'" fl., '\ (17 Year Oyster Oyster fl ~-;.. I I I I 1 b-S-% ! 27- M ..laL fd.. ~ n. 2i2. ~ 1!L .1L .-Ji. ..& ~d ~EJ1 /'t:!(') .:?3,f k111% /bt % ],}? _" Of? 7"7 LOT BlK. I I ? ::) () '? t-f z... SEC. TWN. RGE. ',', ... '"",. - '\J i .,'1.' ',,", .. .. DISTRICTS ~ -7-'/ Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICE 2 lJ3.. A 3.... .E.. L dl- ~1.2:i.dI-4~I. .4.-20.2.ln'!...I.J.2..!.,i. e....i M.9~/S(, I~i ! . I' I I-b. 'N7'J'o-'" n J I{~ 3 ,Ai 3 !2..!:.. ~!1L s S;? " 00 IALO I I I : [ . , -,-1---1 ! - -1-1-,--1 I --1--,-1- I ' ' ! i I I --I-I-!-- 1 : : ! ~ _~I_;_I-C- I I : I =1=~i=I-- -,-1-1--'-- I I , ! I TImber V ALUA nONS I Improvemenb B of E U"'~~~" Im.,."d (B,HdI"..) VALUE , , , ?5t? ->{ 1 ~ If 0 /5,/0 /C.;2 p I---@-, !?o /~Ol /6')o-Q ! I 60 I ~fL'Gi 7<20 1__1 /9CJ I /030 1//70 I 1 /</0 I //:{S /!~ I -1- /;7'5" /--0:J5 /.5Rt? I I d~r .:ldt'J /7"()~ /7.5'0 d(.:5?J 1 ~,1P' P?&'jO 3~{'o /070 I/.-::J...,"'- 4/5'5" ih,yS'o .::(.No ~ Y3 10 1/.;{9"<2 t,'5"f)Ij It, '1'15 '.;(,-:)'195- 1_:< j c, ,:21-( i1'~) _::;7",..',) k_~c) V~-r73 :.1-:195>") I.- "'?;l.-h' 'er--' ~..a;:Jd , 0/3 v':J! __- ~?';'~j':'anrn'h"t j " ,I!1'iJt".L'y Kno.IJ~r ~'I!'S!~.ex"':\l' 11o'--r12Act'-Y';~ -S~~f~ /~41 . All ":h,,"': :;:ort1:m of the O'7"t Sr.~ "ec 9, Tl'Ip ;;3 :~, Rl """:1.\, des. ,as follows: ", Beginning a t the S~ corner of Sec 9, T',vp Z3 N, Rl WWM and proceeding Thn along the N & S center line of said Sec 9, N 0.24' Zoo E 040.41 ft; Thn E 6.35 ft to the S',':ly corner cf the tract hereb'c described and the true point of beg; thn N 0.09' 41" E 395.33 ft; Thn on the arc of a curve to the right having an initial course of N 45033' 59" E and raQius of 1402.70 it a diet. of 48~.55 ft; Thn S 525.30ft; Thn S 55Q04' 40" W 103.51 ft; Thn Vi 307.15 ft to the t rue point of beginning ..R_,c, c:c/ / / Gi / EXCEPT THE FO:Ll.G'ITNG: All that ptn of Lt 1 of Short Plat 1246 as recorded under AF# 413206 being a ptn of the 81'1 SE 9-23-1W.Vl.l1., Hason County, which lies Sly of a line extended S\'i1y from a point which lies N 9.66', as llEasured alg the E line of sd Short Plat #1246, fronthe SE corner of Lt 1 of sd Short Plat #1246, to the SW corner of sd Lot 1 of sd Short Plat #1246; SAID PROPERrY SHALL BECOI'1E A PARI' OF rm 2 OF SHORI' PLAT #1246, A.!\lD SHALL Nor BE SEVERED THEREFRCM. (See Tr ll-B 81'1 SE) ~, ~..;--~ Ex'~ Tl'.ll~A P U '0 ~ ' 3Coafft-1.-