HomeMy WebLinkAbout123094200220 65 214429 Janet E. Bishop / IdJ'{) COt'lTRACT TO DISTRICTS -:7 ~L ~. c Rd. S,h. Port PU 0 FPD \ ~Byer1Y.d2, 03 A r.l 2_ L ~ tJl.J?{)O ?/ ( 14,.;[La.. .J...~.LL H SALE PRICE #2092 $10,000 Year File No. NAME of OWNER ------ ------ --1----- ------- ----------- ----,--- ------1 -- ' c. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .:r.", Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenh' I. of E. (Buildings) VALUE i6 f.L trf- ~ Z;; ?!:. 12 li 11 5{) "'.- ,"'/..... .1::. ,p b-<9.' ~ () -70 / /;:l5 //95.... 1?~';-- /.y'j1/j __ .;; ~LJ_ d~ / t;"S= ~"" ~.3..L11.I~<L /.:;).=>O ~6o l~/o- ~"o ;?~O_I /ao~a_ S060 /73/0 ;)~3JO_ g () 0 0 .li'::/.5D. 32.!Le.Q. 50(;0 /731D .:;;;:;;LC_ //~oo '13~/!"~_ ~s() I.... 1___.- 1__- -~~% o;!:r % . / ( 9 ( , 7. # '7/ SEC. TWN. RGE. 09 '12-- Oz,'i' dO J . ,..... '. M ~ filUn! k~i"{7'~,c1.'6~'7J'7101 "I LOT !LK. r I z.. '3 ".~ "B;giri'ning atth~-int~rsection of the Nly line of co~ road known a/;~ /Old Bremerton HigkWay with the Wly line of county road known as Dewatto road; thence N 21000'10" W along said Wly line of Dewatto Road, 191.03'; thence S 68029'~0" w 207.05'; thence S 21"00'10" E 191.0~' to Nly line of Old Bremerton Highway; thence N 68020'~0" E 207.05' along Old Bremerton Highway to I.P. -ff/W ~ t ~ 'FF ;).19'1/0 (). 07' a~ ~..,..- E4- /{j W ,--- -= ~j