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Rd, S,h. Port PUD FPD
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--2f 84984 Herbert R. Bishop et ux 2 45 A rl 2 L C
6" CF~22 Janet Evelyn Bishop 2 1-03 A rl 2 L C ~
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, -. Beginning' at the intersection of the Old Navy Yard' Highway and the Tiger
Lake road; thence S 68029':,\0" W WO'; thence N i58.1()'; thence E 183.82',
more or less~ to Wly RjW line of Tiger Lake Road; thence along Wly R/W
S 21'" 00' 10" ]!; 265.86 I, more or less, to the Nly RJW of Old Navy Yard
Highway and 1. P.
ALSO: E 50' of following: Beginni g at intersection of Nly margin of Old
Navy Yard Highway and W margin of Tiger Lake Road, thence along Nly margin 0:
of Old Navy Yard Hy in SW1y direction iOOI to I.P.; thence N i58.l9'; thence
W 3621i thence S 450' to Nly margin of Old Navy Yard Highway; thence ,
i89.74 along N1y margfn of said Highway in Nely direction to I.P.
EXCEPTING the following: Beginning at intersection of Nly margin of Old Nav'
Yard Highway and W RjW line of Tiger Lake Road i thence S 68029' <0" W along I
Nly RjW line of Old N.Y. Highway iOO'; thence N i58.1~'; thence W 50' to I.P
thence S 175', more or less, to Nly RjW line of Old N.Y. Highway; thence
N 68029'10" E along Nly margin of said Highway, ~O'; thence NWly to LP.
ALSO EXCEPTING the following: Beg at intersection of Nly line of Old N.Y.
Highway with Wly line of county road known as Dewatto Rdi thence N 21000'
10" W along said Wlyline of Dewatto Rd. 191.03'; thence:::; 68029'30" W
207.05'; thence S 21"00'10" E 191.03' to Nly line of Old N.Y. HigHway;
thence N 6S029'W" E 207.05' along Highway to 1.P.
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