HomeMy WebLinkAbout123094200020 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /~ 1-/1 SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. Port PUO "PO , - - - - ~ 112 310 Harmon K. Bland et ux 2 ....ID ..A. 3- 2 L t;./ .201.19<; .;2 ~'~~4.iS.. C I/hr? ~.f t.jc117 1:: (/ II!, r.j}~,d L xJ~i...2I.LIL ~, a, ~ >"..../(/,1, ~ %z. il04fl/5 L ,/ IfI /7/ ~./A :11 1 4a31A.p IL..b.!.L! Ii 6!r!-f) #7J627 ~2 /jot/-! '17 ~ 1(1 /;. . (,.o,tee-N' /l) 1 -i I I , ~~""1 A~ .. C FA/#'/N':;; pr //^- 'I ii' -:-i-'-I-- ~r>n ~7' Uwui J. ",Jk4J-C( "l~a,," I) -'~I"- '"'._ ;,>3P.;>. '/.:i '1 RJI I,-x) U ; i: i ,,19000 uw j' -1--:-:-1-1 -,-1-1-:--1 _:-[-1-1--1 -1---1-- . i - - f-!- - - I - -1- - - , - -1- - - 1 , I . _ _ _ . '.:___ _ _ _ _____ ________ ____n __________ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _. ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _:.. _ _ __ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlng1) VALUE <5-, - /.16 /o!. ~ .3.1 cJ .33tJ ,5Zt 30 67() C ()D ..57 /,,:?& '/0& 'C"7 dO S?o &:, 00 22- i so 570 ,:{ :< 0 .fzL I. t?h lOb I /00 7,f!:,- ?,ff)" , Mz , '7J,tji II I'D ;,.( :,-/,. ! /~b M .;2a~ I 'l?S /I~~ .14- , ;';;'3 /,.;13 ::Z:2.5 9J's I~/O $2- -5. b% -9'50 /'760 ~q/tJ ~ 1305" ~bS?J - ~ ~- -c5- -e- 2f- I. lU % ;;)6/0 $/00 71/0 ~ -er -6- -e- '7.5' 1,~3 /. ;;13 2&./0 &00 7710 7r ~ .....ti}- --&- /l T 'lj ~ /',1" ~ '. .. BLK. , ' (. -, ~ I / Z:) 0'7 SEC. TWN. RGE. 0~';'69~J.;Jo:d~ "~,": li-;.,~ ~# ".. ' . , " I ~j"'- "~'iil(~ <ell ,~A,~m.. ,? 1. known'" as 1 r b 'of ,," ::,~" i ., orllfer y .. .. -- .., Beginning at the st corner, See 9, TWp 2~ N, Rl WWM and proceeding Thn along the S line of said See 9, N 89 02' 21" E 1302.76'; Thn along the E line of the w~ of sEt of said See 9, N 0017' 34" E 1874.20' Thn E 27.74 ft to the SE1y corner of the tract herein described and the true ~oint of beginning; Thn N 0017' 34" E 151.68'; Thn W 333.24ft; 0 Thn along the Ely margin of Tiger Lake Road S 21 00' 10" E 162.47 ft; Thn E 274.24 ft to the true point of beginning -./ ' -/ -. .?I ~3/(p X/h{{{V {..<J.lr;d.' . ~ /N/-/l" .. cEiCl' SF II'E 4so: Starting it' -% e i corner cO!llll1on to sections 9 /); 16; thence along the S line ;>f section 9, N 89002'21" E 1302.76'; thence along the E line of W~, section, N 0017'34" E 1874.20'; thence E 27.74'; thence N 0017'34" E 151.68' to I.P.; thence W 230.47'; thence N 74015' E 239.46'; thence SO 17'34" W 65' to I.P. containing 0.18 acre. ......,..' i '___'_i'~_. h,I{)UJ .'''''.... . __ ~,. . ---..I 'i . I =\ L . L.LLJ I I . Y... / 0".., NUMBER OF ACRES I , VALUATIONS 11mber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. - (luildinQS) VALUE :& f--- /.:/..3 /,.,7.3 ..;1. f. I () -; I 0 " 7 7 r 0 7(" --fI (1 -0 77 ~()(i) / I (),f'f(; 17tNr'S' '11 -e- ~. -G- 11. (pCOo flOSS- / 7o.f>~ - 19 --h -&- ~ - 1!L I :l "I I "-, /1/:7" 1,1'_"""6 .;2t:, goo ,d....-, 'i"r ~a. /./) -, //410-( /,?""'~-: 1'7 ~t"; -p. -tJ- .If tC't)O /J/'~:"- J7/'l!.:-- - Xc) 0 " , .<' U t:J ",'d /I C?.:i I ~ ,- --~- / (.1 ,', t-) tl -c:J '6 ~ - '6~ J.,;l. ? J ).3 1'/ tJ(J 0 ..:?31\1CJ 37/f-o I' , , I '_1 '.',L/. " ,; ~-