HomeMy WebLinkAbout123093400040 DISTRICTS .....->.Jf I . - ."~.~~ . ~ 119298 Wallace G. Aaro 2 Lh2.. A 3-~.k.. C 14543f Ernest Everts et ux d..~.?t,L3....2... . ~I '1.. ,1/1 t:7 iLl" ~/P/7'~ J,Z.... l/,tb/j- IV.... ~..vVnmu >-?umoF. e-,. IIf ..L 403 .fLd...r2::..ILf:....'a.... "jno, _dZjL7c/F' '/4AA.RJJ >' 0//3-/ _,_I I ,'AM'f"03s-3 1f~9'L~I. '/. If '~/ ~(;47, ,,0-:j,.PA. 7... -i-I : ~?'Zt:7<2' , :!In-~7g};; ,~/ ' ~};,-;7 y:'(/;LL.;; -i-I ~'I$t~>>i/~ !:fz.JJ<8eJ:u ;e~.q. '1 j -14 fi-rV t2 :v+ if _ __ 7 565() ___1_, I --1-- ----1-- ---;-- I Yu, FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRIce _____~_-~------------------------------~-~--~-------~---________________:____________~o---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Tlmb.r UnlmprDv~ lmprond TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Building.) VALUE 3') f/ 61. t..f.CLJ 7r:f .1M 3;?c1 ,q, q(,r,L/" 7?~L/ t:/r:J c-/o 700 ...kL ~G<f 'fc,,0 /00 1;?c;,S- Idb ~ .;l,,p 0 ;r,po ;~ .0 1-:,0 ~ :75" 0- 14- I ~ ,;:(&:>t:I 1.30.50 ZL .; b% /;1M ~/oO h5cJO ~ ;),0/0 '?PEa tf,fq 0 It-- /. () l% ijo;w /~~o /f'~ 77 (p: ',) c , 3'::, 3:f6 < K ,,;l Vj :' I' 11.50 . -1':"::/{ ,A., -'Z L(- AI , ......- LJ 1'- ..1t.. c?d d,;? ':;;,pi z: ~:5J,) ,~dc'iY .:i ;; .:-'5/r.J 'iJJ.. .;(. ~I_<I .;(, Yo 170(:;(:.; t, - -/,- .,~ ='1':'" [.. --;. -' I I. _' LOT BLK. / / 2 3 d9 :3 c.,t SEC. TWN, ROE. .... r>~ .,~ T.r J ... () c:) G 0 0p1;2.13' 09's ~ {J ()~ . .-., "" . . -'';':' ;;:~'" " ",-/91 . ,.~, ~ ,..' ~ ll!"':r'merly kncwn as Tr j A 01 ~2 J ,; ,e,,: 1 d -. , Beginning at SW corner of SE SW; thence N 0 16' 40" E, along W line of said SE SW, 200' to SW corner of tract of land hereby described and true p. o. b.; thence continuing N 0 16' 40" E, along W line of said SE SW, 579.56'j thence S 53 26' 40" E 691.35' more or less to Wly R/W line of Old Navy Yard Hiwayj thence S 44 50' 03" W, along W line of said Hiway 236.61'; thence W 391.33', more or less, to pIc.b. ... 7A -<.~ .A . w.;;.. , J