HomeMy WebLinkAbout123093100070 y.~'r-fn. N() - r.-----".-..----- NAME of O~~---I- - CONTRACT TO R'C[TS(:h. r P?rt;~~~~-~~~S : 2.10 SAle PRICf 5/772.Z_8254 Bobert W. Henninqsen et ux .J____j'_~~ _An 3J_2 lL ' C, H #21797 QD.1.2.2932L 5: / ,),~ _S;;H.Y.d~_JLJlyer .L-'ri-~.J~licel--!-I- J~~~~~ 7/78_ 3'!?_1]3._____ .___ ___.G~ C. Cham be 5 t X (13.0S"'I.Y_~LL~ !_WOP~19000 hh"l3nng t?!:_____ VI '.17,# J'.h IAI' r'," L_I_ _~~~/~~~ ~ _tf.f. .'1:?i>9p~oI;/f,. ._ H'M::~~}Mlf,15 W'o' ~ -? 12 1_1-- c.lfll;:,~:':'V6,f'.I:L f1ifL 'I?!7!):8.~:iL..1lJ~.d-u<Gv...,.) C ',.._, -- -----,--- --- .1- -I-- - - - I I Timb.r I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I I VALUATIONS . ". ~'., b-av B. 01 E. VALUE ~;~, . NUMBER OF ACRES Oyd.r limb.r U J od ~d Impro...m.,..t, n mprov mpr~.... (Buildin9iJ 77/0 It! '/'\ . 7'7/0 Irq?,,f () '18 -1---' 'N '/ .-; / 'f, " I '7Q I") '" ~ .., 8 7 . . " ~~ "I '77/,;; ~7 j'/," J ~ /j. 1\ I J(J I 19S<:JC) IfS-CJO --.-- -. ..-- 1---- 1 ~ 1._.- --[=1 :-----1 I' ~_. I , 1 I C'I '/l.z.!3/J 9 -=? / 000'7\0 _I-' _________1-____ _._- .-. , I lOT ILK. / / 28 -''I ..7 / 0;')" SEC. TWN. RGE. q, ....2~. j Tract 7 of E 1/2 ,;;W ft/.9" ," ' ~- The W 315' of at I that ptn of the E 1/2 SW 1/4 9-23-IW.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SW corner of the SE SW of sd Section 9; th N 00 16' 40" E alg the W I ine of sd SE SW 779.56'; th S 530 26' 40" E 691.35' +- to the Wly r/w I ine of Co. Rd; th alg sd Wly r/w line N 440 50' 03" E 200' to POB; th continue N 44050' 03" E alg sd Wly line 84,7'; th N 1369.95' to sd Sly line of Co. Rd known as Tiger lake Road; th Wly alg sd Sly I ine of road to sd W line of the E 1/2 SW 1/4; th S 00 16' 40" W alg sd W I ine tap N 530 26' 40" W from POB; th S 530 26' 40" E to sd POB; EXCEPTING theretrom the SWly 30' tor road rights-at-way. /. P 0 G~ ' 3S1/~45 .