HomeMy WebLinkAbout123093100030 DISTRICTS ;z. l-fj Rd. .h. Port PUD FPD wI-'- - #21797 R ROM< ~~"pn ? 4m A 11 ?I T ~ $?500 ;, ,,;: , f?/ L 1ftJ31 A .3.....,2 L ilL v IYI",,",- 1Jt(J. ,; ,b fl.. _ - ':0:,,<5'>2$.y'ij --LGene c, Ifhambe'fs et ux (Ihsf IVI ) '~f"d:;S86'?t- ~.#l~J..o r;;nR r. r.h':;hRrs Rt IIX ."'S<.:,15 - . 1f47f7f:f1 /-tENE a. (l>r/7#/'3~p";; You File N.. NAIlIE" OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE -Bl-%N9'~ Richard A. Knight 3ft3;!?';.!;)1 ;1~c(~,j(;I f"rr,~/,; 1/ , Y:r7-/:3?c1 J.7 "8 .i12.~~0~.1& YJ/m l-- -I- - ~r/l ~q /II? f' : f-- -I-- -- --1--1-- ..... ':. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You "".., Timber Unlmprond Il'IuunMt I TOTAL Or"" Tim"' Unimproved Imprond ImproY~...b B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ~ Z~ 7-,)3 1/5 /f~ - f>lj /f,:J3 -?;? 3 7t:J 70 - M ;:t ~ 90 770 . M. .;l-;? t:J ;<;70 Z2- /,' ,g .5~o 5-;/6 ~ s;<s::<::- 3;'{S:.€:: . 1L It ~ ~$^/O 6570 ; 7~~ 7'1:<< II ,,? :.:..33 / 'J . , ..:-.-/ 7'1_'0'5" 73 .5lEu ,;22 ,;?z zi/-S 2<J5 'N ~B2.0 /L/Z5o /7570 2!L /. /'), ,2.2 ~~ /7t,!$ //,I'"'-t'! /S9QS .~',,~ 1-' ,,_.....' ~l;l. ,J-- "".l- ).')..- II,;'!V' 199'jo 3/L/'1o LOT BU(, I I 2'3 09 .3 I o oS a l' j!''); '? 6 '7 ,~I 0,0 O' "1d - TWM, IIGL , ~ .-"~ " ..2". _ . . ' , , .$. .~". 0(.1 ,. .. - - ~ ~ ..... ..--. E "'" ,.t' -1i..3 , wa iii ~ . '''~- ","'4 r.W'~ of that part of Et SW as follows: Beginning at a point on Wly line ..... of county road known as Old Bremerton Highway S 53 26'40" E 691.35' and N 44- 50'01" E 200' from a point on the W line of said Et SW, N 0 16'40" E 779.56' from its SW corner; running thence N 44- 50'O':l" E along said Wly line of road 84.7'; thence II n69.95' to Sly line of county road known as Tiger Lake Road; thence Wly along said Sly line of road to W line of Et SW; thence S 016'40" W along said 'Illine to a point N 53 26'40" W from I.P.; thence S 53 26'40" E to I.P.; except the SW ':lO' and Ely 30' thereof for roadway purposes. '"'' .....<"-..."". ~."" ~_.....,~,. .~'Oc-",'~ -."'__"~ --/r/uJ Jeu~a ~#;:l/7-;C// &e. ;9t 3e: '1.J.s.? l_ NOTE: The location of the NE corner of Sect. 9-23-IW, by judicial determination as reported in I I Washington CJ,$3~ W,M., has been estabi ished Reports 2nd Series, page 572. ADD BY QCD #357527: A ptn of NE SW 9-23-IW.W.M. daf: Beginning at a point on the W I ine of the NE SWat the intersection with the N r/w i ine of New Dewatto Rd as now constructed and in use; th continue N 110' +- to the ell of Old Co. Rd; th S 640 27' E 190' +- to the N r/w 1 ine of the New Dewatto Rd; th S 800 32' W alg the Nly r/w line of the New Dewatto Rd 170' +- to POB. c:;~ IA. I?jw L.. Year File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO I Rd. DISTRICTS ,;:('11 SALE PRICE Sch. : Port PUD I FPD , 69 13'..'/(,;( :theodore Cook et ux '''''''/1</05,3 '7 244008 H. 2 ~03 A 3 2 L C ftOl r.,."f.o<Jo, II ');i ,,~j /J /'~ .JJ. 1 y/ / V-M3 A .3 .2- L.. C. 1-1 , I - I .~ NUMBER OF ACRES ~I V ALUA liONS --:. Year I Oystlf Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .:l t/:1 () .- 70 .9A I ;J.;l dS'"O ,;z~?o ?'t' t?A ,.-/7 . - A-, I.;' ,1:, I-} ,J2 5'0 X'6?o t!' Y 2.0 m. " ,~-- J'tts- 99.; s=- 1JtI /i to tJ :lls-oo 17.330 J 9,1,30 75 .;l~() 0<.//95" OlE b 'is- 77 -=< i'J I'JtI :J(, i q . ':<9/9.; 71 1.:1. '72 tOr' ,', </~Or,r, <'/tJ60 If "/'." f),/ ~ !i . c' c 11 O' } 3'(5:~o ///~300 ?1 00, 97 ,1z. 1(, ( , :s O~(I J (, 11' j 1.9('1;1 :?:l., , 'j:L , '7;:;.. ..,........ -}" /;27"0 " ~ .' .~ C i 8" '':; tf Ii 1/5/)( r '7_~..... _ lc1.!::'c>c.' /. ---, ----- _. ----_.. - /- " I ---....". " . , .. LOT BLK. I J 23 09 -5 '/ DO'-/. dO / , SEC. TWN. RGE. , ::J 1'-' '''"&. .,-1 rtt. ..... '1''', -~ e~I' r , " ~/9/ fi .. . -....:...- . ~, COJDlllencing at a point on the W line of SE SW, N 0016'40" E 779.56' :from the SW corner thereof; thence S 53026'40" E 266.35' to !OP.; thence continuing S 53026'40" E 200'; thence r1 44050'03" E 200'; thence N 53026'40" 'II ~O'; thence S 44050'03" W 200' to !oP. . .---