HomeMy WebLinkAbout123091400030 Yur FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS _/-1/ SALE PRICE Rd. Seh. Port PUOIFPD L Ie ~F -- 52 tyO~~6 John W. Westover 2 & A l_~ 6s- !J/tJ/7'i" <<rh: 7=" 2 4~ A 3 2 L C F :it.? -- J.- ~Itf t/nr R3CJ ~ ;('~ /r..? C. f::l ./ 791'. ~ At? . ) " " g{ I 103 1L d.~ .Hi.., :'.to.<',. 'ft. 7"-<$<'Jf.- T" ~ Y'=_ ~ 0., A.. - - c-- - - 1I#/.;?~70 M :13/ J'}7 //J. . .//~, eLf J .-f - - i-- - ~~oo ~ ."1.3 78"~ '2() I ""~ rJ.." All n,-n b,{ ~ ilL b,.. . cd' S.3'l~ ~?j!),qtl. - .. I ----.l ex- )( ') - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 1-,- - - - - -I ----'.;;:.-_::_~---------- ------ '.- ~.~.. . ~-~,----------------~~-------~~'-~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES ~ V ALUA nONS 6.cfIJ Ynr Oyd.r Timber Unimproved ! Imprond TOTAL ()yat.r Timber Unimproved Improv.d ImproYlmenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ 10.25 10.25 220 370 590 .fd 7.:<..!:: 3,07> / D.;..5 I?'-O g"O 6S-0 JT70 Id. /40 SJo 4f9.5 7/ .b'" J&. ~ ~ 7" /'l&) /~ ~4 .5"" l?fo ~ 125' d.11 2s~ 1"75 70 ~/5 tf&O ~ 5:0.eJ .<::J_< ItJ.;2S /50 43S h/5" ,/;J 00 .:l..5'1O ..:!.J ? ~'7 -75 /.;<s-' - .;zoo -1P- ~ 1{ /. 4"0 dl5t1 -Y.o~ ~~ g75 /S-bb /,5;,_10. 1f- 0. .. -r" ;. (7 % 1:1l$O 3/30 ~~" 3'19$6 '-<.c /-, 77 (p~ 1)/(,0.5, - 'I77/1J 1:L .:l ,,5 CJ .?r7 r{ r. 7 /faon t. ( 7c>c 7"7700 79 Cd, ~.:m 61, / 7 ~r.;7 ~..:r c,.:.- '-;//~;").;) ~15/cl ');1. ? s'o I -, /7 </,(., 7 /7S /J () ggb'io ItlSJ'Jo , , LOT . SEC. BLK. / / TWN. 7-) ROE. 0'1 4 C u3 00 J _,~:' I ~OJ~6~lOJ, rot;;. .?1...~... Xr. :3 9,L9Jlo N~ , " ~- ort of the SEt of the NE! Sec 9, Twp 23, N Rl WWM as fol ws; Bgn at t r of Sec 9, Twp 23 N Rl WWM and procee ' Thn along the E l~n of N 00 42' 03" W 1 to the S" corner of the tract herein describe pt of bgn. Thn N 00 42' 03" W 337.69 ft. Thn S $70 59' 10" II t Thn along the rgin of the Old Navy Yard Highway S 130 4 350. , /,' n N 880 03' 4$" E 202.42 ft to the true pt of bgn .-ept/.-v 7 That port of the SE! of NE~, Sec 9, Twp 23 N, Rl WWM as follows: Bgn at the E~ corner of Sec 9, Twp 23 N Rl, WWM & proceeding Thn along the S line of the SE~ of the NEi of said Sec 9, S ego 12' 01" W 267.73 ft to the Westerly margin of the Navy Yard Highway, Thn along said W margin of the Navy Yard Highway North 130 40' 20" E 248.87 ft to the SE corner of the tract herein described and the true pt of bgn. 12€..s-t> Thn illong said W margin of the Navy yard Highway N 130 40' 20" E J5(.l::2 ft Thn W 1m .'J.~ ft;, I1S,S'/ Thn along the W line of said SEt of NE~ S 0033' 17" E 3#7.82 ft; Thn E 1089.43 ft to the true pt of bgn. " \ Formerly knavn as Trs 22 & 31 of 3E~ NE~ ~.u - n - ";'J