HomeMy WebLinkAbout123052100102 II " h _ _ _ _~~S~_R_~C_:_~~L___ SALE PRICE Rd. ~ Pori I ?UD ~I~____ ____ I 'I', I ~ ,OQg7 2 lOA ~L ,e IH ' -"-j I I~~I-I~ fl-:<7 ~5.3 I '~A/lF?-~u--- -i-' 1--'- -1L .tI8'stJS'/ , ----+ -!-- -- - I " : -- ---.-.1--,---_._--- -+' __ - ' I ' ' -----,;-i-i:~------ .. j~l~~L ----;-=-~'~ , : i : .--!--~ -----1--- NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO t;;:La.l W.L.Lassiter J e.5J , ~ I I .--" ~' .., ^ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATiONS Year Oyster , Timber Unimproved! i1'1proved TOTAL Oysier ! -+ , 7imber : Unimproved I Improved Impr;vements (Buildings) , B. of E. VALUE --, - - - {L'__ I , -'~~.? =- --= tfi12~"-#~ I /:2.~ .~3. ~fl-==I------- ----- ---- ------- Z21---l ,_____ g._~~L, '" 97- , ' ~j.-----+ --- --- ~~__ i=-'- --~~:=~: ~;~-; _ ----- --- - --- - ..!. 7'7 e", I. ,.', ( f ----- j~~~~_1 ~:") ;~"}~_ -- --,----'~ ~-~----'--'-- ---,---------- 77 -~ -_._,-- --------- --------- ---- C";:;, 1..;:.... ^ 1'1 :23 I 1- _ _.....2l I ? 00' /3,7 5.!l. 3..25,;3_0_ -~~---- o___~ ----- - I ~ ~~~"oIC7.70 .:?o,~() S; - -' I ;'7 Fat, It "It: {, Z"Q... ~r-- 1 , -~----- , --------- -1=- I I I ! -- ~----- I -I I I --------1--- , ------ 1 , I i , , I LOT BlK. / 2 2> Os Z- J 0/ ? 0 = I / SEC. TWN. RGE. .C'''~' '",'" "--2- To~-(rTtT.i\ ."'.ri It.c~ "c..kj.,M.~ ...&~ '~J~.LS; . ..._,~,~ d .~~ , iIII' ,.. " ~, Commencing at the N ~ corner of section 5; thence along the N line of said section 5, ~ N 89"29'12" VI 620.11', more or less, to the Ely margin of Tiger Lake Road; thence along said Ely margin S 7049'20" \l 633,.06' to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 603.70'; thence Svlly alo,-,g the arc of said curve 349.29'; thence S 40"58'20" VI 433.82' to a point referred to as "A" for the purpose of this description; thence leaving said road margin run E 414.91' to the I.P.; thence S 23~00' VI 54.32'; thGnce E 204.75', more or less, to the shoreline of Tiger Lake; thence N 23"09'10" E along said shoreline 54.38'; thence W 204.95', more or less, to I.P. ~4-'''' :;0' rp:.~ Beginning at a point S 23 W 54.32' from a point on the N line of tract conveyed to Wm H. Morton, Jr. recorded in Vol. ISO of Deeds, page 388, E 414.91' from its NW corner; run thence S 23 W 54.32'; thence E 204.54', more or less, to line of ordinary high water of Tiger Lake; thence N 2309'10" along said line of ordinary high water 54.38'; thence W 204.75', more orless, to I.P. ~,~, ......... . .. . -- ,.., ~ 1 l I , , ). 'i'