HomeMy WebLinkAbout122324001100 " x> , V,ar FII. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, PO'IIPUDIFPDI I , ---- 52 ~~A'!" "~; Albert v. Richards " 54 G )) L !-I ~- Cd/ lrk i~.'.i. --- " 1".5;= '1-, .,,~ Ii 1$6'11> . - - - - L/,,-, -%. ;>'7/~'i5;:1 .E!ilLLl{flr /~ l} 00 '1(J - e-- =tl= - c_ -'-1-1- -- , =~I i= _1=,- I , --1-1- - --'~ I -- ---1- - --1_1- -- -- - - - - - --- - -1-1- - ! ____..____~_~__~---- _c ___u_ __ ____~_~__c__cO_c'_cc____________._ ___________~~___:~_..c,--- V..r Oystlr 52 54 56 57 1.99 LG .hL /(lC;;d~ k ~ f..'x ,/'19;t 'I 1 ,99'-A'ri ~ 22- 2.2.. zs.. 7~ o A LOT lEe. BLK. I / TWN. "'\22.'- NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unlmprovtd 4.46 ~.~6 if. tJ& 2.70 Improved TOTAL I Timber VALUATIONS I U,'m"...d 1m,,,,,,, 170 Improvement. (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE Oyst.r 1.76 ./4b 4.46 t.tj6 'I. t/13 4.46 L/. if {, ~ )00 470 620 7r~ _ 18)0 ~()O_ _ 100 18)0 2060 ~ //70 1f?.3 ZJ 3000 / J? (/ ,,;2/ bCJ =l;/? .,., /f/~ () .2~9 () ,~/NjCJ ..:1~5" ..:I?1S' ;2(,'90 ~/O :2L/s- .;:?~7S' bJ.69o ~b() 4/9~ .;(s5~ $:!:,S"O ~90 $2,0 :~' ~ hCJO - .uqtJ ~J!ff...? 3.s:?::?1 77-7< '7'90 ~ ~ -.!L9o <1..2/)o $'1"5 L!i$M_ /750 -tf'o' ,/:7~CJ 0/0 00 '/..~~.~~Rqo'()1' (~()I~l 20 ~o 11"0 no -:~ .z -It., :<. ~ 0 J/ fl6 /.s-"O ~9tC. ~ ,5"0 :<,.'7/& 1,50 .;<. 9(, ,50 So //.!J //0 :. t"~ ':<.-'/6 ;;( J!{. 2...~ I ,;?1t. S.7~ z- z... :JZ-- ~<. z... ROE. .. 'l'" " ) 1"\;, "", l' '--,~ j , -,' 0 I ' ,'-, " ~ ~",1' ~, fl ,., - ; .~:.. c- '~'J'" ~ \ , Bgn at a pt 990 ft E of the SW corner of lot 3 see 32-22-1 thn N 126 ft thri E to a pt 25 ft W of high water thn in a Sly direction always 25 ft W of high water mark to the S In of lot thn W to the place of bgn Tax 1094, App 10528 All tl of the 2nd C in front of the S 126' of Lot 3, Sec. 32-22-1, with frontage of 1.99 Ie 00/1 A A tr of land b~n at the SE corner of the NE~ of the SW~ of see 32-22-1 thn N 126 ft thn W to the E In of the county rd rng thru forty thn Sly along the E In of rd to the S In of forty thn E to the place of bgn A tr of land bgn at the SW corner of lot 3 see 32-22-1 thn N 126 ft thn E to a pt 990 ft E of the W In of lot thn S to the S In of lot thn W to the place of bgn Note: formerly known as, Tre. 11 A & l~ of lot 3 Tax l09~. Tr. 21 A of Tr. 21 ,;::.----- ------ ~ /t? 5'1- /f ___ _.,'L_~~ ~ .~. ~~- '-- , --;:-:r-FiI. NO.- i.----...-.----.---NAME of o"';~+-----T-" CONTRACT TO Rd~T!2:.12!Ll:~~~~~~S I ~ 2/82 3<:19,~~g1S_U-Sharin et ux (JUdliJ1LcJfl12__--1 ~Il r, ..2~_:i._:.L.'J:J , , I I ; I I r I --=~--==:____:==== :- ~[r-i=r , I_J i I I i I -ru--L _.. ~ +f: I f-I - ~-I-=[' , j- I : I I ___I-__,c_.__c'_c__ __m -- -------- --- __c___ -1-- . rr' " _-iII'- -~:~- '1 I i '.. -..- .t.; SAlE PRier #54734 JJ77n8? wn ~ 'pI) -I--r ----~~~--~--~-~-- I I I-!-I-'-'-' c_ c _ __cc-, __ _.. _c_____' .. c --- --------~-------------7.:._cCO--.~c::.::..7c."-~~- y,.. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber I U"m.....d Improv.d !lmprOnmenb B.otE. (Bullding1) VALUE ~,9~ 3,96 "0 % / "7"lJO /~33.~ ::1.5'730 /S/:..J '--'....~. -- 3%60 r::?/,/~j;;C; 0' ,', ' 'i-~"15 r.......'-.. I 'II o<~ . ;-Jq'l/(J ?() 9;;}() , I "c ' . c' . - ~,--._-:.~~ - 2!t- /1/ 7) 9:;> ~