HomeMy WebLinkAbout122324001060 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS yo SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD wi - 52 Hattie P. Barker 1 54 G 3 3 L SL 17056t Albert H. Rc us f-- - - - s!! 1721l..' The Dollar Corp n n ~ 17297 Jennie F. Button III n I-- - - - - 1/ :H1'1~~ dI~ /,I, RfJ-U.1,), "';/. ..;.L./ - 'f - - - ~. 35:/177 I~; ~73'1A3 a!1,.,.x.J! !f~ .1& -hul: -4.fll'J - #off;J7-? ~ " 15:<':'0 1at.~/'1j,"",f.t'U}r>> ~ <J01YD d/j, ;"'1'-01) I./J.J2. 1 , .-- - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- f- - - - - - - ----~- ---- - - - - - - -- - " '- . - , ',' c_ - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .... , Improvemenh B. of E. Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE 21 3.3~ 3.38 250 300 550 - 53 1.69 1.69 130 300 425_ __ 51. 1.6<; 1.69 130 J..SQ... 580 57 2.38 C 1.69 1.69 30 130 450 610 _ be 1150 c1.5.Q.. _c 1800 61 1150 575 19?5 {{t ~ /~71J -,.Z2. () ~~- iJ. ~~ c 7~o 3S~.s ~J A -;; ~ _c ....." /~.stJ ~~~-- zz1 7500 /?~O ..n~_ 1.8 /57.60 /~"'IL?'.'5' /0 71'/ / Oi ~% g/~o .3/::io grt4~C 110 :)/:.;-:; v' f //;;;0 -;',"',7_-'; 7& I.b? /. (9 3q !'. ( 10d. 7_ 1'17Fi f5 7/000 /,;!., DOC S3000 LOT ILK. I ?- Z Y 2- () 0, ;, 00 -- '- '/ ~.!. ("'._-1 1 . 7' I / t. SEC. TWN. RGE. c. 3Z- ",,_-..r:;j''ianu !fit~;;~~ --~n Go~;"-'L~~- 3,.' S~d:'3'2l fllp; ~2 ,'N. '"R. 1'" , .1t:~, 'M~son County, Washington, particularly described as follows: Bgn. at the SW cprner of said Lot 3; Thence N along the W line of said Lot 3, 660 feet, mil to the E and W center line of said Lot 3, thn. E along said centerline 1320' to the centerline of the County Road commonly known as Cronquist Road #259, 'c which is the initial point of the Tr. of land hereby desc; thn. N a:long said centerline of Cronquist Road 150' to a point thereon which is 510' S of the N line of said Govt Lot 3; thn. E parallel with the said N line and 510' S thereof to the Ely line said Lot 3; thn. SWly along the Ely line said Lot 3 to a point thereon E of the initial point; thn W parallel with the N line of said Govt Lot 3 to the said initial point. EXCEPT therefrom, however, all that portion of the above described tract of land which lies within the right of way of said Cronquist Road #259. , TOGETHER with all tidelands of the Second Class, as conveyed by the State of Washington, si tuate in front of ,adjacent to or abutting upon the above dewcribed uplands; ALSO, TOGETHER with tidelands of the second class as conveyed by the State of Wash, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the following desc. uplands; Beginning at a point on the E aad W ~enterline of said Govt Lot 3, which is 1320' E ~f theW line of said Lot 3; thn S 10'; thn E parallel with said centerline to the Ely line of said Lot 3; thn NEly along , said Ely line to said E and W centerline; thn W along said center line to the point of beginning. ,~'.; . "'..-' .--."- c _~,---, -~"~ [" --- /~/ //J'J-4 4.a-R. d~,!>;I 00/-1<"; C" J) ,ffL-h ~ ~-'c ~,J-