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~r-~-r---'--'-'. NAME of OWNER - I 3534551357,,;:50 ~_:35~1-~ Well Drilling Co. ~~ 5'~,_ :JhQ2'?3.f1thUd8,~-I:.~1 ,L~_ M~I $6~ ( . WTA? tj 23-:3.-:12 - 77~'p~ jf rJM'/.4 :l7Jh? I ~ ~ DISTRICTS .5?cJ ~ S~:I~': :T: I~I--;I- -'- ~-~-- we> CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE #60506__ ~ 6,~r'/ ~"" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst... Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. (BuildinQil VALUE .' 1./7 /, /C/ 1';'1.(1 If 7tJ - li1f:-s I)(-IF 77 /, ? (; /,2..) t h 3 II .?-o 37&'';'0 1(,/:/ ,.' /'-' V - ..:..;'-~.. S3 10500 '?t- 9/" (' tj7 ',fre cc -- f-c 1--- _c - ___c - ---- -~-- - - 1----- ~---,-- --- c.-- - _h- I 7 -, ~. c.3 .;/ 0'- <: 00 I LOT BLK. 7 " ) J SEC. TWN. RGE. , '.;,.c-"...., t Tract 1,1 o.f ~ _~__ ,22 ~- , ~. ~, (Tr 3 of SP #331) The SW of the SE SE SW of Sec 32-22-110. W.M. Mason Co. lOa. Excepting therefrom the S 125.44' thereof & Excepting Tr 4 . . ...t t'..:JC... /7 7/] () i I