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Y..r File No. NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO __--"~TRI"TS_uZ~ SALE PRICE ;d. ;: PO~ I:!~~I 1 Ii SF~ -I 52 F2829 E. E. House~ 68658 lUi:)i:) HUU~t::Il 57 George S. Lewis 4P3950. - - - - - - &,3 1/7'7'37'~ ~. ~ j;{~.. ,~ -- ~ -,- - - ~? lI/'f6n( ~Y' .J. r-t~ I IF elffjz ~' - - - -- - - -~-::"Hii. 51/d_5tJ t'M' ,.c,. .e.1. -- _,6 'lC1r:?1________ I~" '-I/o 11/ (ltJ j, /0' A II '-&:',Un.- ) --- oft J" C?7 wo .u -- #84602 UBJ.... 419276 Clark.11.~Qs -- OCIL ~ 420821 l>m.Y....B.t lbl 'r ,1 , #85~~1 ~~ ~ ~.)f-dfzl~}jjf;j-d !__c hL 1/ J. t/C3tf !r:r5D - --1-- "'.0 - -I Ff , ~ itijiP!I --- ~1 " ! ._--. , - , :t'A ~ ===========~=~==--~~=~=~-==--~==~-~~~=~-=~===~-~--========-=~~~~~=~=- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vur Oy,tar Tlmblr Unimproved Irnprond TOTAL ()y,tlr Tlmblr I ""'morn'" Improv~ Improvlmenb B.of E. (Bulldlnas) VALUE 52 10 10 160 75 21') 53 160 80 240 - 54 10.OC 10.OC 160 160 58 20.0C 20.0C 320 330 650 ~ 3J-o 59 t:J 9'/~ tL/ 3;J./J /~~ / "loti {,c< 3;;;" /"J;PO .;1/ ~ 0 ""- ?1M ~-::J.,e .:It,iZ5' VL /1- dO 3.d>...cL :ltJ,ot'!J 5/0 //f) :2.2~.S' ~H.s ~J> / f!YfJ-O .:{, ~()J /'Z dt' /Soo E,S?f .:J,;J.:JS ;Jo 1:;- 14- /(),~ - /",S'"~ _Moo - - /~d" J'L2 .i;;x .;1..//0 ,;'!/ / 0 1J- 0; :2 tJ 29'~<i ,.:('05' ::;>"'=:>A l%' , ~~~O 1'f- /tJ (} S?/O . //fIC !l:J 7/,;; _' -y;. J !3cJ I .../j I LOT BLK. I / ...,.-,:t .3Z- ~ yo 003 (J c> /' IEC. TWN. RaE. :t_ ']'"' <>, ~ ,~ r \ 1f:J-7f-'i'~f J/ g' 0 ~Ol .t.\Ol . . c. ~<.# I " // 0;--"'.... .~ ,.:.::.... l...:"" , ;.'-' --, - ? N! S! SE~ SW~ & S! N! SE~ SW~ J.-.<- .5zo6' /7 C&.;?y' Note: Tr. 2 formerly known as, above. (Traet 1 of Short Plat #1301) WJP: See Trs 18 & 19 SE SW Tnat ptn of the SJ., NJ., & the NJ., sJ-, of SE SW 32-22-UVWH., daf: Beginning at the SW =rner of sd NJ., SJ.,: th S 89028'S4"E 644.99': th N 0029'42"E 208.79': th N 6S007'03"W 197.87': th N 64021'28"W 248.29' to ell of small ereek and TPOB: th S 64021'28"E 248.29': th S 6s007'03"E 107.87': th S 0029'42"W 39.92'; th S 860 lS'37"H 40.49': t..'1. S 8601S'37"W 4S.48'; th N 8104S'S8"W 77.13'; th S 6s016'07"W S1.99'; th S 4soS9'S7"W 87.S0': th N 39043'33"W 34.64': th N 8009'02"E 40'; th N 760W 169.96' to ell of sd ereek: th NEly alg sd ell to TPOB. ....... ~.))jtJ ~ Et a1:GNendolyn Y. Stablefeldt, undiv. J., into Odell G. & Audrey N. Presley, undiv. J., into lA.'C'\' -I I) f Ii:.' 1 1 ....:. /::- 'S cI ' I . ,. ..... ~- LLLI I I .. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyst., Timb.r Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL Oyst... Timb., Unimproved Improv.d Improv.m.nt, I, .IE. (8uildin9~) VA'lUE 2L /0.0.'", IO.S'c, ! 3 d-():J '/1 D /3~/O --. 23 ~5 E ") ".', .' /1b.':J.l??: -1. 1..' J3 s,,,, /.SB /.53 ~g7tJ -' B870 -- --- ---- -- _c -- -- - - --, ~- - .. , \ -- I c". ' .4",~,._..... ". -~ ~.... - -