HomeMy WebLinkAbout122322400150 V.ar File No, 'd] 7.:7 L~? NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS y~ I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch.' POri. PUDI~ , ,- :; .,~ , . Gary Kenneth Bambenek et ux c'l #25303 1/71 2li7112 Billv Rav Munford 'et ux 1 Ii.t G "I "I L H 110 009_~ ?j2L ~575t/.J ~./? . 7.,& 7J1" J11 d.-/' - ~ - - ~;:)-.ao h ~/'71 I ".~.,,!,,_ 1/ w/// ~; I . L ,~ 4. 'C);'p-m. .I. AJ ( 7/.- 1'1 J' n f /J l/J, AL ,. tJ I " " 'I/7~ 2f! 1.)/1 '~ . C' -r #. 4-3633"0 It)h" :iI\ i10 77 :::z: .1/ .J I1J. JJ, .'f h ' p I ..J."",S&.,;lg> ~ - 5hb 311.:i2 -1 ~'" , , J. ({ 7/JE':#; i; -6L I '" ;rs ~<I6 " "j' 1;, 6(0 5j;J Q."~~~d Ih/;)) ?L/qF.I~ .., -A- il'. I M. ,c. ;r .57';<70 N. ~ '$ .if :!Jon", 5j;,({ 34;/>/11 ('.lj/ rf'-&'dj"" J /'j"JjL,(J ':1,":>"";- I -%- /id ,f', ,)1, fij"....~ I /L 7'.3 3j' 1""",4 .;1'1715-3 9'" V" i -~ _...,.~. - .., .. .. . "'/1'"7":, .... '- "'f!i'4! Year g~ LOT SEC. Oyder Timber BLK. I / TWN. RGE. ,'~ -,-_,,,,,,~- I.'i;.. NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved /'/. " S5"" ?-c. 1 Improved 3 TOTAL Order ,3:_~ .:--::_; Timber 32- z. -3 0 'J 60 .. +, J~,,_I ~ !=II- ' r... VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved . jlmP'"ovements I (Building5) B. of E. VALUE So 7S- ,;),.;:( .so o/'C"~ :;;.-".=- 31500 .;:....., c.~/, ---'."";-'::;"-' J c," , ~ ~ \1 , E 220', as measured along the N line thereof of that portion of the Nt Nt SE NW lying Wly of Grapeview County Road. Except Tract 16 CORRECTED DESCRIPTION: Beginning at the NE corner of SE NW and running thence S 88050: 10" W along the N line thereof 409' to loP.; thence S 1000' E 71.50'; thence N 88050'10" E 204', more or less, to the Wly line of the Grapeview County Road (Pump Creek Road No. 197); thence NEly along said Wly line to the N line of SE NW; thence S 88050' 10" W along said N line 220' to loP. ""I'-'_""_'.'r~ '~l~-I~-;- ,- --- .' ,"".....,...,-, ~Ai?fC'?;: 1!"l:.!"_lT -~--=--=,.- -'0- ~.__ I " /" /f'.f""l1Afj 06tS 1~/: // ", ~f: ,,[u' /W I I 'j ~ ./ //,;' ./1/ ,:.. - . , ' .... /