HomeMy WebLinkAbout122321002040 . I DISTRICTS ;; - Y..r File No. , NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE , Rd. 3:t4: I 52 ~ Marion F. Catron et ux 1 ..1....H Ld:z....... Q, <:"173 4 '7?1, (J~. ....A- u/ /FM .", ?5'.,.r,t -1--1- i--- =1 -1----- - - - - - I I~-- I--- __, -- FI= .. .-- =1= -1-- -- -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - ____.._--~-- '._'.n _ .. ".""'\- .. ' . .~., _:. __________~__. ____'_.-:___~_:,.:.'.:'::~c~.;:_:~.---- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oldlr TImber Unimproved Improvitd TOTAL Oylter Timber I ""m....." Impro.....:l Improvlments B. of E. CBulldlng1) VALUE 52 .75 .75 100 100 57 .75 .75 1.50 20 100 120 .k.Q. ,J~ . 7:f' I. atJ - / CJc> 0 /LJCio " ~ ~ / ..:<5tJ /:2 "" ~ /1'S-tJ 1-750 k ..< r.,Z 3,5"0 ["?..("on ZK. ~51')" 1/",5'13" ZJ.... / I)'" nn I/~t""o 2-'1- jl 0 10/:. ~oC>oo .;t O,lNJol ;t, ~ " , . -;( ,7r, . .7Q / , CS"o 3~(' ,,?': 0< ,'1/ ~ I :':,S-'~-' 73 L~~~' I LOT eLK. I I 77-- 3z.,. I ""-, oct;:; 00 r ll. "j., 1"'< l:l J'I ' 0 '.;L!(J !..,-,ol ~ IEC. TWN. RGE. '~ . "'i,.. 2,Z r( /. I , ~ ..Tr. 1,. ,(>f'G I1rt. L"lt 2. ,'^. ,Tax ;e ')..\>. ' .- "',-., -iIIf' ~ ..--.:"'- ----~ Begn at the SE concrete post on the edge of the bank between the property of J.A. Shehon & E. Cronquist Thn W 324! ft to the center of surveyed rd Thn N 100 ft Thn E to beach Thn S 100 ft to pt of bgn Tax 132-G In front of aboye described tract. Note:F"ormer1y known as, Tr. gA of lot 2 . ;. ....,.-.. - --~----~-- \ .' ~;;;... ."... of lot 2 sec ~~ 32-22-1 a- . -~ (f) - y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE , Rd. Sch. Port IpUD!FPD I 52 iH.A. Blackwell 1 54 G33L 1+S 'p I- ------- 52 4634~Dr. R.D. MacRa~ et ux - - - - - - k)- .P-./~ ;;(,b-. .13~6 <..<:~~ p ""'-/3:>,0,- - - - - - - :5~o~,Q. qT:.1 'Jt7?;_')-J{).. / .~~/~ .j/, I! if '1/.2:20 - - - -I o Cc,<] ~~7 3.1Q //1 lJ"udi CkMir 1 (}i0/ ~ ,. II t/ JI " - - - -- -I ~t9.5(9 /l/<NrL/J /, 'kHE-, ET/lL I ! - -I- N' 5 43-1-9- ~ .ll4..5..I..4...... Lynn R. & Marl ne L- K~tl-I- - $30000 ~-------- ---- -. 1/76059 10/81 396992 M?lsnn COlln:4- Ean CCrAn ; + Iln; ~ " " " - - -1-1--' -- "',. ~/gJ.. to(,lj'l, zIr-/ J9~u1/(r)Jj,AU) #7737;1... woO - - -1-- - # 8l':J.L 2 10/f;" a;"o'-/() ""VG71;j) !'? -;?:j-Sr,t 2,?8l ~ 1 ?O~l_ pi ("l"l.::lr~ P.::ll T'I"lI?r j':.'lit- 11...... p/f;lri! ~m --- .....$ 'aQ~() tvn ?/g' 1'?~/2~?E.:7", :!.,l/.--~ /. ~ / ~ ~- :/3/;'49'7 /I-/A.;('_!'~"'./N ~ "."t.-".,c-p -- - - - - I~I ~H"" y.:f 7:"." / ~. ;'~M~(" ) lEd) -~ ~ 1/35 ZBtI- _ V;VM<'Y) At;, , , -----.~~~~~~-~--~ ;.,-~- _..:~ ~--- - -. -~--~;.-=---~ ----...,:-~.~ -.- NUMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS Yelf Oyater Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber I U.lm,ro'" Improved Improvemtnh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ....,g 10 10 600 350 950 54 10 10 600 600 56 600 2100 2700 57 5:~g uC 10.00 10.70 80 600 2100 2780 58 5.86 c 10.00 10.70 60 600 2100 2760 &L E' {'{. > e, 1. /')p d.o~ 1~,J1J' ,.e- &'b ~or:;cJ. ;)10 D a/j'a U ~() ,8000 :<3&.tJ 5#~o (,~ :SDD &'0 ~0t'0 :J3~ 0 ~t.Jo -"- '0, rz 3f15 II) t? S75t!J .;1~S"tJ 7/;/~ ~ 3-75" ~~o 375"'0 ;1.950 73/5"' .iL ..3'7 a hfL 57.5'0 ';(9~ 19J'7t) tLL Is; a 74tJ /6/J7J /./5,,-,, 57t1d 1/.9770 22 ~ / ;; "" /9511/2 59po :1. '7l1im ...2J... r ?,dJ (0.60 /0.7/7. ...- q.5'~- ~1;l5' 1.4'.7/4<" ..;; /~.v. 11/ . - '7 Ie b '" 'rP7<10 IS$O ,;f"/:291J LOT BLK. I I SEC. TWN. z."Z- 3'), RGE. I 3 007 0 (:) \ . --.,.,.. '), ,<~ s.-~...~,_, _ ".'ll'. 5 ofe' 1t>} ".~ * ' ~~';l: .'<.) ~ '11 ~ 1 ~ __I Bgn at the 3E corner of 191;.,-1", sec )2-22-1 run tha along the ml N 130 E~2 chs to initial pt of this desc, from initial gt run N 130 E -3-.-69 chs. ;Ii: ;~ thn N )0 30' W 9.94 chs' .,c..a<{ thn 3 580)0' W 9.5-3 chs t"Z ~11 Thn 3 520 W 6.5-3 chs 4)0'l~ thn 3 26~Jv ~ chs & ~" 511. thn E i~.J9 chs to initial pt and pt of bgn of this transfer containing about 15 acres mil ex tr~E~ontaining 5 acres . Tax 948, App 9144 1956 Value 60 All t1 of the 2nd c in front of the E side of that part of Lot 2, 3ec'ft3'~ 32-22-1; Bgn at a pt on the ml in front of lot 2 which is N 130 E 'h-Gi< / chs from the pt of intersection of the 3f: In of 10j / with ml & rng .2 - q h" ~"'li' ",. >- " '7~ -, .,. thn N 130 E . ,c s. N 33030',W2-019c.s. W. I4.J chs 3 520 W--4.-G9'c s. / -:U/- ... )-,..7..J.. . 3 260 W..-3. 21c s. & E 19.37 chs. to pt. of bgn w1th a frontage of 5 .$6 ml~ lc mil \ _ Nor \ forlllerl.;}" known as, Tr. 2 of lot 2 ~ l-,2-A : -OYB~--l-5nd . ~.. -rr<y 'i'fJ' i /3.2.4 sbutting-Bn- above dese-.... '- - -/>~ --/:. - ~.if.~ . tr nf I~nrl in (:;.1..7, ,7_~~_1 W,W.M. in Mason Co. Wa, daf: COMMENCING at the SE corner of sd G.L.2; th along the meander line, N 130 E 7.02 chs to the TPOB; th N 130 E3.69 chs th N 33030' W 2.17 chs; th W /4.33 chs; th S 520 W 4.09 chs; th S 260 W 3.21 chs; th E 19.37 chs +- to the POB. EXCEPT that ptn 1 y i ngc, E 1 Y of Cronqu i st Rd. ...1. (: . ( " 'l'ractliroffsp'Ut24 a",.d":"'""" ,)., e, )t;.',,/[ C>''''" The N 97.24 ft, of even width, of the following described tract of land. ',---, - ---.::.~:- Tract of land in G.L. 2, 32-22-1 W.W.11,lying E pf Eberhart Cove and 1'1 of the "Ily R/w of Cronquist County Rd. No. 6532, DAF: Beg at the N ~ corner of said sec. 8 00033'29" 1'1, alg the n-s centerline of said 8ec.32, 2228.40 ft; 8 89058'04" E to the Wly r/w line of Cronquist Co. Rd; B 20055'43" l'i, alg Wly r/w line, 29.30 ft to a point on the Nly line of a Tr. of land conveyed to 1'1.1'1. 8cudder 20830, FOB of Tr of land DAF: alg l'ily r/w line, N 20055'43" E 72.61 ft, N 19015' 18" E, 131.15 ft., N 14055'43" E 418.88 ft; N 89002'36" 1'1 441.25 ft to the line of high tide, 848047'56" 1'1142.11 ft and 853056'12''''1'1 315.94 ft,S 47023'00" 1'1 116.06 ft and 8 18029'35" 1'1 83.90 ft to a pt H 89002'36" 1'1 from the POB; leabing line of high tide, 8 890~6'36" E 662.59 ft to the POB Ex TL and RjI'i Llr" . :-";'k..'1 /..,,\-,, 11,.::~/.'_:-f All that portion of Government Lot two (2). Section thirtytwo (32). Township twenty two (22) North. Range one (1) '.lest. H.M., lying East of Eberhart Cov~nd West of the Westerly right-of-way line of Cronquist County Road, particularly described as follows: "'- , quarter CO~1ENCING at the North~orner of said Section 32; thence South 00033'29" West along the North-South center line of said Section 32, 2228.40 feet; thence South 89058'04" East to the 1.lesterly right-of-\.ay line of the Cronquist County Road; thence Northeasterly along the Westerly right-of-way line of said county road 29.30 feet to the point of begining of the tract_of land hereby described, which point is on the Northerlv boundary-of a tract of land conveyed to W.W. Scudder in that certain- de~d~dated August 22. 1907, recorded August 2~, 1907. under Auditor's Fi1e~No. 20830; thence Northwesterly along said Westerly right- of-way~~to the South line of a tract of land conveyed to Marion F. Catron, recorded March 9, 1946 under Auditor's File No. 113912; thence Hest. along said South line to the Easterly meander line of Eberhart Cove thence Southwesterly along said meander line to a point which is '"est ~ from ~pe point of beginning; thence East to the point of beginnin~ -