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- V.ar Fila No. C.f,;76 fl1NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~;' -..:--' SALE PRICE: Rd. Soh. portjPUD1F"PD 1 58 J1~~J Virginia L. Catron ~ 1 54 G 3 I 3_ L ff 1f;5 ~",J v It:~ II ::!. .p )~ 3(1X) rt.;/(' cl-l-3 21ft; Ie :'-1 .{Vh..J- - ,( {/c':4- '/(' .A ...........J - - - - /I - - - - - - i-- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ ____._.:":__~~~~ _~_~___~_________~___________ __.________.,_ _" _ c _______~______.~_ ~_.---- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - v.., Oyafer Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Timber I ""mp,,,,,, Improved Improvamenh' B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE j76 -&r ,ff"CJ s-S .r ("O /....... d//.f.. ,a-O L.// .: S .J-L .3t'l5: ..!fh 3'7 <tf iJJ .1d ::c.::ri5 ::? t. :;- !jh/O -"- 5?l '33~S- .:l..&5' 2t ~ 0 -"- ~t) 4/R<' 3_:f CJ 4575' .6L 6" ./J. - 5/;2$" T/. :> 33d M t.o //...~, ~61r S~~rO ~ ~ ?' /.2?l 7'i'7?J /3f41 /i!19_~ J2,... /':<.5 &d,lf~ /.s";/ () 1~7tJS' tL 11 K",.I:' . 2L 47- ~9'J() /':<11) /37t1tJ Z2- {/ 'T p /~?::<S- /5"00 ({; IJ' /.;1..$ z...~ i',(j/- ~, i,v'" ~ ~ ~% ?h$X> 6.{}OO '1~~ -1i. 5J~-1 );;,-Cj$CC to jJ M~/O 1'< 37::'- 1 2:c- 8C!:F/j I{)%SY, 15 ,-) u . --' ~_.' ,:,)., "', LOT BlK. ~ - ,,'~ 4 '\ I I lEG. TWN. I., "" ''"''.--"",,, '2.7 :)l RGE. I .5 (- ) I ~II' Tr.<l! "". J (I f'J ..II' . , ,','r,::" t,).... ... ~----' t/Vl:~(. /:",'1,," ..l, _r, 1 *Ex. T.,.,. ~-A & T:;.~': 1. ~2-F-l and ~o ,,~ the following: Beginning at tne SE corner of Govtment Lot 2 in Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M; th along the meander 1 ine N 130 E 10.71 chains; thence N 330 30' W 2.17 chains to a point; th continue algon said meander 1 ine N 330 30' W 200 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; th continue alg sd meander 1 ine N 330 30' W 35'; th Wly 250', MIL, to the centerl ine of a surveyed road at a pt 120' N of the S 1 ine of the ppy conveyed to Marion F. Catron and wife under Fee No. 115453; th S 20'; th Ely 262', MIL, to the true POB of this description; tgw T IL ..._--~ I ~ . I...J I . -L... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~n) Yurl - I I I_ I Irnpro...emlnh 11.01 E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (8uildlnQil VAt.UE &'3 ---- 5,&0 :::" .":--:- r;, .~, . ) /(,(, CD /$800 /S'/ S7.s- --.-- '1 - I L , ----- - -- - - c---___ --- -,-,- - I - I -- - -- - --- ---- -- - --- ---_. ~. _1.__- -- --- ---_._----------1-------- i__._.==l r------n-----~I_- - --1--- f---- - --'- -- , - I , _ I, 1 .....-<