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Veer File No. NANEof OWNE'(lF ..?,r ..~ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;!-. IS- SALE PRICE Rd. .... Pori puolFPO . . ) ') 1~, 1/ - - - - - 61 IK/.:)//<o Georp:e liilosevich ~!/. aM/~ 1 1.0 A -3- " ..1.. J+ #16695 ...// /7.d -2 /-/ '.P?9.zC FA .,?- / S P z.. ""'€R,s.3 ~_ ~7,9/'A/~ ~ - - - 7/1 ~/'J<:" - 10 j- / :<S.3 './l, -.oc ~, "._ 7. 1,47 f-- , '0/7.8 ,-"!5 .2$>1- ..J';t..c0~ ;;( ~U# a"s~fI'5 ~ - - - ~ '17? ){l5'.25'/, ~'t:/.."'6 .i.v &.."18':'7, ~ <<- !?L12 'SA fl la~.~U'l' ITr. ,<,c 308995 Donald M. Shel r~ #459<;6 r~ ~x2.3:;'() 2J..d -. !d 7/. ." , ., -r- ""1'" /Z'&-' Ii..-+f) I./,,cd.t! - - - 'z1" "5 A In..a. - .-( .;;~,/ f7'}' f?~LJ flD g/?3.;2,a:? - - - - - " Yo .';>A. Jig! ~'0 (71. 1fn'1J,j. I , If + Tl"Y/';>- 373/33 " " - - - ~ . 'J1'JO() - - - - - - - - - - -~'~........... .. . ----""'" ~ ~-'~~'~-'-~- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Y.., Older TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementl B. 0' E. (Bulldlnas) VALUE .Jd. ?{ Rs- 74g-5 . L;7: So if. ~ :-x 60 bO ~ J4.. 1f~ 4 J?S- - -/~O L/ {j rJ 1J.. 'l7CJ 9'70 7CJ ~ jJ! /,970 /9'11:1 /';< /970 .--- / Y~t' 2!L /, DC:: % 38'~ 38'80 75 - 4.85 ~ ."<:::; 3880 3880 .1.k ~3'-1-o ,,:; '? 4:r. 71 / '<. .. I ~\ , .- ;"/ c (~ _. ":]~.;if 0 ~., - ,:, ., - . 11 ..;)E 4.J':> ~g5 2{,;'(? 26/,t? 7:1- L/?~ I, .'.. - ?'/ '/c, <'';1'/0 f6$ ftlre; ID;H';- &oS-O /t, .:;.35" LOT Bll<. -z >'C o I J J 'Z. Z. --' 0 'f '-I ... """) ... I ....'" ooy. / . k~2::~:.~ro tfJf Cf 00:3'0) ...-. '.. 'iI'i .". "'Ii_ SEC. TWN. ROE. .-'~';":""J~.;:,4!:~~_~",. .t""' "". TR. 3 of SESE E of HY Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section thirty (30), Township twenty two (22) North, Range one (1) West, W.M.; thence North 650 feet; thence West to the Easterly right-of-way line of the Secondary State Highway No. 14-A (Shelton-Allyn Highway); thence ,Southerly, along the Easterly right- of -way line of said highway, to t he South line of said Section thirty (30J; thence East, along the South line of said Section 30 to the point of beginning. ] (Short Plat #48, AF#289909 - ptn of Tr. B) :~.. .., J.A1l'- ,- ,. 'II 1'1 I . ,- '---' ~ ~.-.:- TI.Ay :2-0 30 - :2. ~- ( '3"2--~~-1 , ..J/ 7" 'I ) ---'- ,