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" Ya.r Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Edward lJ!j{ . (}/)1(,,,) ./1 1/ /rbC) H DISTRICTS ~-> oD Rd. Soh. portlPUD1FPD ;J; ------ 1 A 3 5 L - -3- ---~+ _ .s L III 1-."-"--"'- - - 1--1 __==1_ _I --- r- SALE PRICE ....... (f';;~f Ir-- /~<J~J -,J,(.,92,-,/3 F"hdC:-/Jt'J ~';G , 1 ~=========~. ,-.~~=~=- --=-~._--~"':...--~~--=- , . ;~..' " ,- .." ,. NUMBER OF ACRES 1- VALUATIONS 6,R~ - -- ..- V..r Oydtlr Timber Unimproved Ilnprovlld TOTAL Oytl.r Tlmbtlr UnImproved Improvtd !Impronmenh B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 5;< .:1. .50 ..;>.50 ..<0 .so ;70 SZ-! :2. I v-r? ;2./0-0 ;2.0 7"t " . L/.5D 52 --.1.5 'Ci ..:J, .5t:i 6"0 9'~o 570 ~ d.S-O ~.b7) 6-0 9/c) 9C,6- "- b), ~ c.s- 1 /fI5' 1.;2/0 14- /.5'tJ I,~ ::( ,,fJO "75" /.$5 //4.s /3L/-< M ~:;o ,,;? S7J .;:?5tJ .~ - ..:l $7:J za.. :5. " \; StJt:J 5' CJ,(J . ~ h5 ~Sl-- 2f- Ii '() ~ /.;1~<:?:J /.;1$0 k.. d /':;-/ , " , 7$ r, ./:{,C:J / .r. - . I ) ,;>( , ~ i -,j.,?{ ; ~ r 71 '7 /.--- _. / d ,~ .iL ,_":, ~-() .: .. ilJ{:;' ,) 11.<':'-0 , , , LOT BlK. I ! z.z,. 3D / / 00/- i. - ?j~I~IO/I~I)I01" /,.' "i,iO~-'" SEC. TWN. RGE- , ~ . Ii _, .) -'.' ~ . 'L - ....~ "..,- ) . ~. ~ ,~...,~.~.:<.._r~ ._ '-'~""""""""."""'I,"~ """i' .,. ;~- ,.~".,-:fJ...!' , ;- ~ ~~n ~t t~~ M~ ~~~~ ~f ~~~ 30-?0-1 thn S alon~ the E In of sec,20rods to the tr.ue pt of bgn of a tr of land thn S dlon~ the 3 In of see, 20 rods thn 'Ii 20 rods thn N 20 rods thn Z 20 rods to tL ~ j:t ~ f bc;n cent .i:'.ning 2~ acres mil Note: formerly known as Tr. 5 of Nt NE NE. J .,.~ L~.. t ~ ~ 1.' ~. ;/ "