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Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TD DISTRICTS 200 SALE PRICE" ~. :~P:t:~lL~ ---52.. lu.028o LeRoy Dishon et ux I::} .,... I~",~ .I(), ~ .d..-n ) I / 2'.2.1La...L 3..J';' .51 ? + ~ .5t>oS- 67 J:?7/7; l"n.. .. LI..;1 p? CY"... -;-./. ~ 0 I 1103.fL..3....2-.LJ1. '" r// 9~.?O3;{ .:.;; '/.. &~~~><< i./ ~~ / , ':/~//.i.z ~ (T.H'AP-'/" -Ar,r,/ ".."j-- ,- - - - - - ZMiL /I " " ~ - -- r" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- _ _ _ .-------- _ _________n ----- _ --- -- -- n_ ---- ----- _ --- .;...------ -- ----- -- _ ------e-- --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .2.0t:.. Y.., OYlwr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE fd $I Y.2 ~9::; 30 ~ ytl ..n 4, 11--- ij/1~ :3-0 to //0 ..il 1/1'V t/ '1'")..- 30 7'10 4J.o QJ. So 7.7'0 ,f'9'o ..:il... r ~t/ 99</ /c:>o 770 .f 7'0 .bi- t( f 'I- rtf /00 R7cJ 970 1!L 1. f;). tJ f',). //10 J 7C) 770 M ;('J/I, / ~.::5 //1,5".:5' /;7/0 Jd.. '7 t/;; ::: ,50 ~ 9':< d<,;2S /':<5 /06"5 /,/35 bJ. :1'9' :J .5'00 /L7c?.6 ;<380 ;;" I. , ~ ; F/9 c:7 / cJ t7() ~/?a /f{,'7o 'i;2 S;Cl/> /, l'li? '? 9;;< d:?::!9o ?'5o --6- ':<9J'~ , I ::r-. 1!L ;; 0 % /ff!6o /$'00 -4160 ",rr fj sfM b.S.. 'io /02.:2 ~, - , <'/;; . LDT BLK. 1 ) 'Z...a" 2-'1 Co '-I (J,U I (" J . SEC. TWN. RGE. W' '1' 2!q\~l.t'btoW'J . , . . "i<,-_ .~", ~;rp.""-~,",,, ~':' .. . ,,~, ',"" J,_ / " , '. ~ " !lrC" . .. T 1~a~t;j:-~."- :.. -~~'-----' .;o~~;:~~~~~~T_.-' Bgn 330 ft W of the N2 corner of the Se~ of ~rw~ of sec 29 thn 1;1 330 ft thn S 650 ft thn E 330 ft thn N 650 ft to place of b~n a4..- Tr. ~ Be!;inning at tl'oe HE corner of the SE NWj thence W 330'; thence S 660'; thence E 330'; thence N 660' to place of be~inning. Ex. R/W Note: formerly known as Tr. 9 & 13 of SE NW EXCEPT S 1/2 thereof, .-:A Tr. 9 - 4.92 acres 1952 Land $30 B1dg '50 30 ~9!14 30 80 Tr. 13 - 4.92 acres 1957 no 790 50 ...' ,~ . =:J L .- 1- LUJ i I . ~t" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ~-!O Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of 'E. (Buildinqs' VALUE Zi :2EEL ,S:tJ!'J :3750 3750 7" , /..Q5cc' K '" ()d _4:, D () Co 35 J "17.50 .18..._ So rJ --5: ('1') "~.:1,""r:l - ":;OC>Od ~ ---- - - - -----, f--~-- - -. - f--- - - - ~--_._- --- -- - , - , ",....1 - I