HomeMy WebLinkAbout122292200340 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;- / ) SALE PRICE Ad, Sch, Port PUD FPD - - -52- J. N. Clark 1 ~ .A.. 3- .i. 1- SFP ~ , ,5,'7/5'- -da4/LZh<1 P' ~/'~r L ~ ..tL ..:3... .i L IJ! ~ -\ , . ~ ?-S It.:,' 1.- /-6/" (-,{." t\~~L,/~ ' r L"'~ r. - - - ;,'l o;t6zc 1;" '~~ tI.~~,:, lonl) '-I /PI' , \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____.c~:..._;...,________ ----------------~-------------------------;.-~~-~~>----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,p,. l' Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE Q /7 /- "" - P76S / ;;t- 2J .3 oc) '1AU ~"lt 17~;} /7, " S 1:Z 0 (,.70 790 . ' M /7.(" !> 17bS /.;lo 9()~ /o.:<S- -'L ':fZ /50 / / ~LJ /.:l.50 12L /105" 3. 00 r1,(,5 Ljg~ 150 //3.<; /'1/ 5" .hi- i L./6s r;, aD //.30 3/75"" 2LL " 2- ;g ,;1930 /.;2. "0 .:42. /' tJ 6100 22- // h:L ~,1!J3 /;;:&,s ,;z -7-f" ~s;?o .;;',;:?,f>5' %''76 > 2i I 1d :;( 5)'70 '10()O c;S-76 '9/~ 21- 5:5'7tJ t5t<JtJ - '.:ZCJ;'o 7,i)' ,","':7 /J 90"0 E,L570 /"11'/0 , 75' 5S"7{J , 0'.s66 - /Aa 70 ~ , ~ , ,-~ -/ -L;-~ , 70 /.: -I;:: CJ -cl ....?.--- /:.. /;"0 77 /7c":, ') 7>',:;0'; ;/.:', /':"':7) .~ .' L I 1 L?..-- c: q 2. ,~} ('" ,- ,..: () J LOT BlK. oJ '- J r .. , . l1li . ,,~l .n- ' .';f:~ ..,.. ",. ""'''f'~.' ~ II '..2~qj.;1.';{' 4.;.~B(L! -- --... Ii ,---#-f,~ Cf ."__' . '. -- -- SEC. TWN, RGE. ,- '- 1. ......." "'~}, '11 "'" It "-.1 Ylnc; ,.1.] 0.. ,-,e" yn _I e on StJwart Rd No 61 excepting the :: In of the N ,:! of the N\v~ , ....... . . ~.'.-~7"<!;-4.'.~"- --' -:..;~~ _ .>~~-t 4 ,Fv!f' ':'hat portion 0::' ;; ha1::' Of W.~ : sec' :"9-22-1 St Highway & Ely of the county rd known as the N 187.67 ft there of as measured a10n~ of see 29-22-1 Ex the S 495 ft there of ct_~~ .!l'l ~:j;...t A tr of land in the NW~ of Sec 29-22-1 Bc;n at a pt on the S In of the N 187.67 ft of that portion of N~~ lying between Stewart nd 61 county Rd & St 2nd Highway 14A which is S 00 09' 1511 W 187.67 ft thn S 890 38' 0611 w 33.79 ft from the N2: corner of the N"k l'i,.;k of sec 29 thn from such pt of bgn as above established N 780 37' E 124.50 ft thn S 870 23' E 157.80 ft ' thn N 800,42' E 93.25 ft to the SWly right of way In of St 2nd Highway thn SEly along R/W In to a pt which is N 890 38'0611 E of pt of bgn thn S 890 38' 0611 W to pt of bgn Note: formerly known as, Trs. 25 A & 28 of Nt NW EX 28A & R/W. -" >:~. . ~, --_. ----~-,--- --- . .~ lA ....:. ,~ "I