HomeMy WebLinkAbout122292200310 Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;'/D SALE PRICE Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPD ---52.. 107827 Ronald Shepherd 1 18 A -3. .3 L ~ ... ~ 1/:727t1~ ~44/ 4 f/n~Jr'L; ,,/~~ I- ~ ..&. ...:1... ,L L s p iG-::?, ,:70':/ (. 'j l;t,,, 7<.5 ~ .t/<.e, ;1 113 fL .3 l ..L .1L ;t! 2/ ' ,< ')- ,'j I: ;.(I-~, 4 ;7 >. Ol i';l ~' . t(.//-""",~ / " ' ,/ /P??_...r.-/ I~'~/>A - - - - - - i. c- l.:1"v _,L/1 '. .-K- 10i<AkJJ ti -!L~~ ;f.,'~1i:1 a~1 C1 - - - - - 6/71 1S'3uJj; 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---~ . ~ "....... 1~1~_~~:________________________ ..~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyst.r Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL OY5ter TImber Unimproved Improved Improvemllnb 8.ofE. (Sulldlngl) VALUE ~ 3, t~ 3, t: ,c /ol. 0 /~o M -/',10 :J... ,'11:, /0<') /00 .1:3- .:J. ~o :2. ;;:0 &0 (,,(1 Jd ;;Z .:< 0 .;(,'::<0 7'tJ 90 ~..f" ,;10 ,.:2,0 /0 Ie " -<17 /5 /6 ~ ~s /1") M .;25 .:<< 70 .,;?'" ,,2 d h: ~ -6- sa .$"0 Z2 5:? ~o 2!L ~ " r /OD . /00 , /, .......:..- n - , , /1 " < , ;,J,V , _':It) lo~' ~ -j .( l.. ~, ,'. , () . n , . LDY BLK, I 1 SEC. TWH. RGE. , ) ) . III . . ""~-' 0--_: .~ - ~ ""F -...",,- JlI! ,"'-~ 1....._ '~H;;.+ YH:~~:,tILy /7",,;;J ~~,~ ,. (.f:;~'M-!i r~~V-~<:)-;' - A tr of land J.n sec 29-22-1 . / ' 7 Bp;n at a pt on the N ln of S8C 29-22-1 distant N 890 3$' 06" E 667.39 ft from the NW corn of s~c 29 & proce3Jin~ thn alono; the 21y m",rn:in of t]o3 County rd 33047' 40" ',; 6.45 ft thn On ~ curve to the right having a radius of 736.80 ft a distance of 189.64 ft thn N 890 38' 06" E 1054.14 ft to the Wly marr;in of the Allyn Shelton County Rd thn on the arc of a corve to the left having an initial course of ~ 340 02' 00" W&; radius of 368.1 ft a distance of 22.67 ft thn N 380 07' 00" W 99.80 ft thn on a curve to the right havin~ a radius of 326.50 ft a distance of 15.20 ft ' thn S 54C 33' 00" W 10 ft thn on the arc of a curve to the right having an initial course of i, 350 27' 00" W &; a radius of 336.50 ft a distance of 94.48 ft thn along the N In of sec 29 S 890 38' 06" \'I 864.96 ft to the pt of bgn Except portion of Tr. 3 T r '* tZt.v., A tr of land in the KW~ of sec 29-22-1 Be;n at a pt on the S In of the ~ 187.67 ft of that portion of said NW~ lying between Stewart Rd 61 a county rd &; st 2nd highway 14 A which is S 00 69' 15" ',If 187.67 ft thn S 890 38' 06" W 33.79 ft from the NE cor of the Nwk of the t,wk of sec 29 thn from such pt of bgn as here in before is established S 890 38' 06" w 364.07 ft to a pt ,,"" i..,itfi~;~: ~U~irf?tot'~~'Pt;f b~nu ~ , Note: formerly known as, Tr. 25 of N! NW & TR 28 A ex. Tr. 25 A. "'Ex. ;: ~,(a~~c~Jcd in Sec. 20) ~ , . . c,' ~) -e"tI-.-j) q; f.,,':{ ':..7' :."L<tlt:'-<-l/" /~J/~'-G!"~c:~J) ~'~.-_!. ~o, ! 'I'