HomeMy WebLinkAbout122292100270 DISTRICTS Z- //. , V.... File N.. MAilE of OWNER CONTRACT TO J SALE PRICE c./' 37Rlu/?, Rd. ...., Po., PUD FPD J122~oll ' - - - - - - 64 'oj '( 1-5' 'ili1 J ian: Ullock J:l.Ll\nlap 1 40 A < 5-1... fL $2500 f.('/~""/.Ad" .LJ '4 /1.. ..?-- ' o'- , " // ..f2L W7// ().." d, .p ,PL. ;{/} .-It d./ ~ 'J II / fldk"",,-flJ:.LO C M .f,t/~'1~~() 3 '0'1 ,~ G.( ,0 r, /.> ,f #G:>03"'- .r ~ , - - - I>ko 3777v" s1.r' (I, (2y~~ ,j"",U?r7t;) i/ J (!:>ce. 64Cc) I J/{;5 S'.~ - - =F ii?9Cl'7/ .5..#.- '%>.2- 1."':;,'i7'fW5 '50' ~z::1?~4,,,A",, I-- ~Jl^ u)..o ~;L 'f327t't- " LJ.ry'),') ;of 6' 7~~.z '~/ ) - -s":J~ 91"J() n;y) '%S- 5''1777(. -tL '7 3~3 ,f~ g, & dU1<Cs~) I-- -$l"/f ..?7cJ WLJ I-- -- - - - - - - - - - - '- / . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yelr o,ller Timber Unlmprond Improv.d TOTAL o,.tar Timber Unlmprond Improved Ilmpronmlnb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .C(/ ,7< /J'..<" GO 5'0 - c,-' -, (;,r:; "0 -"----- ~&/~ - .bL ,7S- , '75" 5tM ..5'bo lek '7CJC) '7'd<O . i ./, 7~tJ /J9/J M9t'J , k7>% /-'1 (jIJ --6L- /400 7.:4 ..:J t:7t1 8 /"'~ 0 y~o ..za .-s- -e- -e- 22.. booo /A'C:>t> 38'0 -'7;; -:6- --e- 15- ''1t/. O~h '1000 3)';):.0 77';<0 -1Ji -if- -0- -- ~~ . I~ I1nn 37,;l 0 7~"zo '7-r --6 ~ -..;.. 1'; {, - 7- , '.' (" , - '(Z'LOT BLK, I I "Z.--z. ~c:::l BO 02-') O() I ......----. '. k.-fMl -. Ire. TWN, ROE. .- -.1 .-I .-. __ ......... _I ... :T :-T iiiTl'j"T-"1 - "-- "'......' , "'1 .' 1-- ... "1i;;j-"1ti il . 1,;'- J ,. ',-, ...... ....c~ > /r..<''';'',~~~ d - ,"'., CarJ::encing at a ]:'oin t on the :1 }j ne of section 29 at its intersection with the Ely R/,d line of the Stewart County Road ./L61, H 89010'06" E' 667. < 9 I, more or less, from the l'U corner of s'1id section 29; thence along El y line of said cow:tv road, S 8~47'40" W 6.45'; thence continuing along Ely line of said county road on a curve to the right haviq: a radius of 7'6.80', a c.istance of 1[9.64'; thence Y 59c1E.'06" E 1054.14', n,ore or less, to ',!ly ?jioJ line of Old Seconeary St;J.te Hif,hv:ay #14A (OJe Shel ton-A' lyn Road); thence on the arc of a curve to the left h'1vinc an initial course of:1 <4c02'O('1I '~l and a r3.dius of 118.1', a distance of 22.67'; thence ;.; ')0"07'0('11 ',1 58.4<' to LP. (said r;oint being the ;,lli corner of S~erwood Lcne, a ,rivate raadw&y); the~ce along the lay line of said r-rivate r08c;vlay, S 80"42' 'll 55.17'; thence :: 5702')' ':l158.54'; thence S 780<7"w 1<8.21'; the:1ce S 580<0' 'w 27.79'; thence S 84"'5['1'1" ',l 6').f5'; thence leaving said lIly line of "rivate rOadvlay, l' CC21' 54" ';[ 2')', more or less, to thread of Sherwood Creek; thence fol'owinf, thread of s~id Sherwrod Creek in a :~ly direction, to the ':Ily I:/':l li:1e of s-:id Old Secondary State Eip'llV!2Y #J4A (Old She1 ton-All"'" Foac:); the'1ce SEly, alonE: ':l1,' E/I: line of srid end Secondary State Highqry ./L14Ji. (Old S'1e1 ton-Allyn Eoaci), to I. F. . ... -,- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vear Oyder Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL QYlter Timb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemlntl B. of E. - (BuildinQs) VALUE ;10::; 75 75 - /~~ dG~' " , " 11 en (;.~ao 7~:"'o r/fpo 17:;' 7L~ ,Ie ':<SS"oo ;;-1 t, (J l' ,'/ Q ~ ' ~ ~. {/ '-r l^ / lit! ,7S- 7S .;<5500 11100 .;>t, (. r?,-, 1-' ---, 1-- , - -'- ---- -" - , - - I I . Li I I I . _I