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Y- File H.. NAIIE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS - I) SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUO ,po #19167 - - 62 L. J. Tebeau et we lice B~n , lJ:Q1 ..A- ':l ':l -L. 11... $7400 !bL j,Uff~ g'p"L/~'P .~1p~ " A~ " f...- !bL :z 11 qJq 11L;..u &j;t;.,~ V.b~,,/) ~hJ/ .> :J:; ;;;tt" p' d j. l!.. '/~ ~"-~~?7 J.'1113( ~-t-Lt ""04& (,.; f...- Co('-:- ~ ./J I .J.. I. ..//,,;,,,, Ii 'J" v' J #87/CY '/,JJ"ybl W.e> V (J - - I-- - I-- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -' - - - - - -- . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y... , Unimproved l,mDrovemenh B.of E. Oyat.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Imp,.vtd TOTAL Oy,ter Tlmb.r Imprayed (Bulldlnga) VALUE , ~..2. .35' ,3" ~oo .3;'5" 2..:15.. _' l13. ,35 /3::;- 410 ~:j 7d'S - -- M.. .,;:: ?% _6t2CL L.//t) 'T/() .. f2Z '_L:r;,a 0tJ ../.2La.... - & 15; f/{ ..3 tJ 02. ?.;< t1 I~P.:20 - 7.7. 7c1c1e1 /,;;-7.:3 I ,J'.,;(,/, 0 - . ,;[51"0 1/($'.:;10 2t.. k1 k% /~ooo / //,;; .. -!--- - - J~' ,.? ., , - ,:2~:'11 ' '. ,c. -P- C .(1 II{ '. ~ li'd/.. , /:2. . - :<3!:oc, 7: ~f~ - I I Ul L -- ~ ~ I - ~, T lEe. B "- TWN. c.- 9 I ..:) dG :5 00 ~~~?_~:~.~~~~~~ 2D~\> ROE. ?q 22 1 - '~'-- --, Tract 4 of ,GOyt Lot 2 ~-.::- .<~ ".........->,,~.,. - ,.;- ,- , ~- " ---. " ,- All that portion of N lOa' of Govt Lot 2 lying E1y of E1y R/W line of Allyn-Pump Creek County Road. ~ -- - ~..(:....... --e.,:,.