HomeMy WebLinkAbout122282100041 V.., FII. No. NAME" OWJCER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~. .; .c Rd. Ioh. portlpuoIFPO__ 1 45 3 ~ L C ~OO. L ~D 31 A a..~ -'=- c.. f/ SALE PRICE! 58 70154 John R. Sisson .....U::J/'/.c>/SIL A LiP /D,.~.d A" f/ / / ~.I/ 7{7')l)D / I-- -- 1--- ->-- --1---- 1---- - ---'. -:;...~._:._----.;_::.--_::.- -.;--~- ------- ~---- ----" ---- --.----- - -~.- - ----_.:._- -~--_':_--~~.---- NUMBER OF ACRES t- VALUATIONS v... Oylgr T1mb.r Unlmprov.t hnproved TOT^L ""'" Timber I ".Imp",," Improvltd Improv.menh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 58 .06 .06 50 50 M . DC:, .0(., ..zIO d)1 tJ kL .0(.. , D(p ';<'/0 3.10 S"76 .!d . DC. .Ob ~ .j;f~o ."v'O c:::> ,;f/O foro :<~O ~~O n. 4~o 140 t) /~- -" I-: W g~/.J 300 ~ 71 ,3t, ,ot, .AI.2 / ~ LJ./J /A"Ot"l 7JL I< ~' f% :3GoO ;3C;Oo I" - ;) , . , ~ \..(~. o .C' /J'f.c ". I '-I:: ,."l ., 1'1 .3' , 0 c- 4;;.. '/[// 'I-/t'rC( I ( i. ~;I, , ~ I ~(J b . <j. d.. /'.1 .:....., ":. N -{) c:.:; -- ~ :.;..- (~ , - '. '1/) I~/ / ' . , LOT BLK. I Z. z. , i '. c " I SEC. TWN. ROE. .4 I ~t'O'oOrnzl c" 74-~ j [).Cj fl.- / >{{..'r.t., '1-IIIIiIIIII' II ~ t"\j. ..- . , ~. ~.__1r. b-A_Q,;L9_ov. r . , '" l,..,. / ;/ <t?/j,-<;/, , A tract of land in Gov Lot one (1), Sec twenty-eight (28), Twn twenty-two (22), 'North, Range 1, West, W.M., more particularly described as follows: Beg at the Northeast corner of said Lot one (1), run thence North 89056' )0" West along the North line of said Lot one (1) 950 feet, more or less, to the meander corner between sections 21 and 28, said Township and range, run thence South 9045' East along the meander line 209 feet to the initial point and Norbhwest corner of this description ( and being the Southwest corner of the Northwest 5 acres of Gov Lot 1, heretofore known as Tract No.1); run thence East along the South line of said North 5 acres 225 feet, more or less, to the Westerly right-of-way line of Secondary State Highway No. 14B (Allyn-Vietor-road); thence southwestly in a straight line to a point on the meander line which is South 9045' East twenty feet to said initial point, hereinj thence North 9045' West twenty feet to s aid initial point. .:~_.. .- ~