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Yell File No. NAME of OWNER 52 35036 Margaret A. Sanders R.- 46656" " 57 71652 Carl C. Smith et ux ..kL'~ ;.f4/. (laA d '- A?J /' t.2 '7'936 9'V~ tf .~. A'J. L.' , 'i:f' {/ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .-:: Ij't' -~Sch. porllPUDIFPD _I I 1 Jti.._-L..L L C 1 &1. A- .l.i....k C .. SALE PRICE arl C.Smith .:;:, '- ~r~ct, Q ot {""\fT ~ J J./;/-- j / ()q it::- -,,:';7'/,~ ;<.. f~ d6D L.- -----=1 1==1=-- -,--...'-:--:,--..",--"".,-,-..---..-----,-.... ,.. ...____,,__.____ .~.__,,~.. __n'__________.~__ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ,?3 Yur Or'ter Timber Unlms;roved Improved TOTAL Order Timber I U"'mp;~d Improv~ Improvemenh B. of E. (BuIlding.) VALUE -52. 6.03 6.03 100 180 ....51t. 6.03 6.03 80 300 380 .-5.i 6.03 6.03 80 350 430 -'2l 5.03 1.00 6.03 30 50 350 430 .L1J. f5d~ Ic;2 /) .2J -;- t2 </7 I) (p/ G.03 C..03 /.;{..o fr,/o '73/') H /::1..0 1/75" .5'9.5 ~ ~ ;;5x' /.5tJ S9tJ 7..;;t~ fft.. 1< dtJ ~:E &cO.3 ~" /~o /5"0 S9CJ 1'90 ~ ;11 t> .::if "0 f(.?~ ,3tJ .:2..?O 37.5 / ;:l5" ?;i'O .LL ~ ;;.' ~t) ~d :7621 ~.5o I~,,:zo 2L - - 3.;; " " ,;(.5" ..3-'/5<") A 3:;1. at') "6- 3,;[0(") 2i- Ii:. 0 ~ 6,1/00 ~oo 7~ , , - , , 7~OT BLK. 2-/ 0 C)'U / .!70C! 0 ~ /''""......(~ / 2-2- ROE. / lEe, TWN. + I ~." . . ~~<~:J,l !~' o~cmat J....._,_".; "l N 100' of S 500' of Govt Lot 4 & SW .SE E of Highway I Note: formerly known as, Tr. lS B of lot 4 E. of R/W. N. 100' of S 500' of SW SE -----. - .' _ _____~_____.n'_'~._. ._ ~ . u I I I . Y." I 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS /'(, ",.,t' Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improyements B. of E. (8uildin9" VALUE - 1i J.y del' L/< /0.:)[:; ,-fj-- /,0" ?') 1--- .'U 71 (, " ,:!7' ( " - /:~/J() , ..1 ~ . P- . ' '.. /i3p D /;?3di (,) -- . .-- , "..-.. J "',,,",, . - - .. t~ j