HomeMy WebLinkAbout122214300050 VMr File Ne. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS .:< tj ~- Rd. Ioh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE 5'2 n975'7 Hubert rr. Knoell et ux .!la.:<81717 1tj/J4 j'~.=.d !(~.fP 1 4-03 it 3 5' L C II -"'- I",,'././- 3L-,/93 r/ I ( Y~;T) I- I- -- ---1---1-- ------ ----- -- .", ,..". / ,- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS .6/ v.... 01"" Timber UnimPrOved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved llmpronmenb B.of E. (Bulldlnp) VALUE 5':< ..3. 7 f) .3. 75' ";:;00 So .;(5"0 - ~ --- ..3.75' 3.7S ,;;zoo 37'0 57Q. - 52 ,jt, ~,75' j,oo ~t./ ';;0 1.'''0 ':'-0 '1'30 C.SO , a.. . '16 ,;;. 7.s- /. () c) <1.(" / .:20 /50 SO 9'&. 0 11.:f0 .fg.Q. ,,it:, ,;;-'00 d. t. t/ %.SO 50 /O~-D '7~o ;;{o~O .:;. 4..L. f',50 . M , xt, &;',00 .'iO /0 oj 0 /0'/'0 ,.:llt/O "- ,<% ,{,O /&'6' /3'0<1 ';;?'/'.~ a 4/0 /S-O /$/0 /3"0 ;:Z-? 00 M .,;'6' .5: IJ/J 2.?f R.5o / ,;?.5 ..y'tJ .5tJ6 3t:MO /3 do ~ - 2a.. l!~5o ?& /IJO t) ~ (1() (J) ,;;u/tJ 1:7~O LZ- _.PiG' c,4. t/ /d!) (Y ~..s-t') - ---- //&,Rt!) .:;:<6/;') I~t) . M 1'// "A /.~a5 ?!- I 1~ % .;L'":l.-r~o ~gJ ;;l:Gy/o , ~ ...*, " I/' ~ ..:;;'...... " . , ~ ..... '- -' ,.... Ie if' ,"., ' tJi'tc:'/J /, r~ ~j _'.,-r,- . ':). l}r r " , 'j: . . , /. 0" , . .- ,.', v,___ LOT BLK. I ~ z..( 3 00 (J 0 I ../ , I ~. :) ]} 11'?\;Z~~111!.OlQ~?Jffil LQ.:t...lt._ ~__,~ ill il .. ,~ " ~~ 1f.C, TWN. ROE. ~~ - 22. ] .Tract 5' 0.1', (}Oyt --.!III . ~ .,",",",~,~:~- ,..~, Formerly known as S 100' of Nt SW SE & Tr. 20 of Lot 4 S 100' of Nt SW SE Also: Beginnirg at a point 660' N of SE corner of Govt Lot 4; thence N along E line of Govt Lot 4, 100'; thence W parallel with S lire of Govt Lot 4 to a point on W line of State Highway #14B; thence S along W line of highway, 50'; thence ~ to Wly line of Govt Lot 4; th€nce Sly along Wly line of Govt Lot 4 to point directly W of a point 50' S from I.F.; thence E, parallel with S lil'e of Govt Lot 4 to W lire of hig~way; thence N along \'J line of Highway 50'; thence E parallel wi th S lir e of Govt Lot 4 to I.F., except R/Vl. ._~--~-- k,1/fIJ ~ u._.~__~....... ,;.. I I TOTAL I j Oyd.r I -- ...1 , VALUATIONS . 6.J'c) Timber Unimproved Impr::l.....d Improvements 8. of E.. (BuildinQI) VALUE i " . " ' . -- ," -, lli3(. ~: -- - 371.50 ,~ ~ .. ~ NUMBER OF ACRES q -O~ster j TImber j Unimproved Improved l1..--,-v- .n -- ~ >{ ~; ), - I , ~ "--/ /3 /, U;j }, 4"D r ~ ~ e, . /.. " ~, .?-<':! /.1::-~1y ..1 ,:., ;:/~:----- /-,? '7.$-~ 7137,") 1/271S" I/O lo~ 'tJ. -1-----1--'- - __ __'u____._ -, I -- I ! I 1._-- ==J:_._'==l :1 . 1--. [-.--1 I I I _. ---.-------'------. -+----f---. - --- ----I-. --- -- -"--"- .~->-! I