HomeMy WebLinkAbout122213490010 #'Sbort Plat #93 #295385 'eer File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~t/:c,~ SALE PRICE Rd. ~ Port ~~_I_l ~ 142184 Harry F. Parker et ux .L ....22. ':\ ....L _I 145202 . 45 cl James R. Tucker et ux 1 l.. 2. L - -: 55 159102 " " A. Betsinger 1 ~ ,4 l.. 2. L ell/ -, 63 198278 Arnold L. Betsinger et WI I - - - - - - ~.;?' \.. ~ 21~672 James R. Martin et ux - - 2,00-.. '1M df.l.r~f; g .d..d /JJ~..." - -F - - 1fz ~"' .{JA~,_;7 All 7/ j, ? ~=':-'i''1Y6-- J"T '7'f'l 1..... '1 (!:Jot') bAA<./' t(/r-tfI.H),'u ",f LUI/," /1// I- izz 356:;'14 .J IfYX) ~ <N3tJ'{j. -I? ,J).RJ ,f, ~~ _ d-d -iiF7-, eJ/r; ~ _Z9t, ~n JOLJ - - . , - - - - - -' - ------ - - - -- - -- ---- . 1-,- - - - - -I -- - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS (Ill' . Timber Improved Improvements B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Unimproved (Buildings) VALUE 21 ,J") " ~ I IDD hOD 700___ ,)0'/ )/J ~ .., -, :( /C>{) 7CjC) J'lO _ , y_:: ,j.o , fl ' .;2.3 ,), .-Lo..,Q.. ......2iLI P90 , ~ 51 ,t./f.c ,t/0 :<00 2~ ---2..Z.Q- Lt:. / LIt" '"/(7 /(; DO 2U /79(.) ,1./& 4(, .LQQ2..1 If) 1.< ...- & ";U7'jS _ 16 - ,:21 ,)2/ ~C?. /0 ~ ~~~ 1../ ~-:'.'-I ~,;?S-I/S~5 '.L'22~ _ 1,7 .~;J,!:, i~.(L 2~ la ~-5I'.M B/~1~9/'LL 7i -;or I .3'tj a CJ ..299"4T1~~- ~ -sr-:7~ .:1.1 ~ ~2.tL_ Z2 //;Zt;O 1/?3s-I~M'_ 1t1- f'c, ,,-% 7$'2J@ 93<?C> 1/'770, ,_ rS '</3 .n .71 1t:)ltJO 9.:R70 1/9370 LOT BLK. I I yv z.-, I -.3 ~ oct u:; "~ ) 12I~,j.;i /S~ f\q~ --'" ~..;.j ..-;~ ~it!":jIII....- ~.. SEC. TWN. RGE. '. ,I L _~o'. '1' , ~-,_r.-.,_ . r Beginning at a point on the W line of Govt Lot 4, 50' S of its intersection with the S line of a coUnty running along tte N line of said Lot 4; thence S along the W line 50'; thence E 200'; thence N 70' more or less, to a point 10' S of S line of county road; thence SW}y to LP. Tax 56B-6: S 50', as measured along mean~er line of following description: Commencing at the meander corner o~ the S line of section 21 and running thence along the meander line, N 15015' W 16.30 chains; ;thence N 3015' E 2.584 chains to I.P.; continue thence N 3015' E 1.516 chains; thence W 6.00 chains; thence S 11035' E 1.53 chains, more or less, to a point W of I.P.; thence E 5.61 chains, more or less, to I.P. ~ .-'. ."'......-- '- I-~'- . 'It > -".- .~ 1(, ---.,,-:::: ';1 ~, ~ 06 SIA,{c;, t pb,.-j 9 ~ .-."a "--~-- -..'" ~ -rei cLf . rJ'. ' I ,. ..( /';> , (' J c. ;i--',' I ~. ,/ : ~ ~' . . w ,9 1../ /L-~ 'c. ,'.' 't.. '. Ve.r NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Oyater TImber UnImproved Impro....d TOTAL Oylter TImber I Unimproved Impro....d I Improvement. 8.01 E. (Bulld/nlls) VALUE , // -;..9'/..',;) . - loP"/:.l;'; , d,' ;'"..':) 31)3/, c- _<>~ bl-q -- iff2: ~ j ~ IJ I? t'L :Y7Dr ''": I :'IJ c" c: {;7.),~~! ;,( {.r, ,.." ',", .'13 ,:UJ ,7/ tb I? 000 d'-!(S"') 31f(PJ c(? ..'7 ? .71 3PQ; .!:? I~ 0 tf'l9/"J I I I I / ! I I I I I I . -----------------------'----------'---'---~---"--~~---- 1 I ._--.'------'---------___'__00- __ 'lr..:1 71 .if.. a g;z-